Knock on the door

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Harry's POV

"Harry can you please help me set the table?" Hermione asked. I go over and pull the cloth over the table and put plates, forks and knives on the table. Hermione set a napkin and a glass of water in front of each plate. Mrs. Weasley comes in and sets large plates of delicious food in the middle of the table. All sorts of food were present. Baked potato's, pulled pork sandwiches, biscuits and gravy, even some deserts were plated. "Harry dear, please go and tell everyone that supper is ready." Molly asked. I walk up the stairs and go to Ron's room and knock on his door. 

"Who is it?" Ron shouted. 

"It's me, just wanted to tell you tha-" The door opened swiftly and Ron poked his head out. 

"What do you want Harry." he said in a quiet voice. 

"Supper is ready, come down when you want." I turn around and start to walk away. 

"What happened." Ron suddenly spoke in a tone of authority. I give him a questioning look.  "To Malfoy. What happened to make him come here." 

"I think... that it's not really my place to tell you." I say. 

"Harry you know me, I'm your best friend. I won't tell anyone. I do have a right to know cause it is MY house after all. Just tell me." Ron begges. I take a deep breath. 

"Ron, if you were really my best friend, you wouldn't be so upset that Draco is here. If you were my best friend then you wouldn't have yelled at me earlier today at Diagon Ally. If you were really my best friend, then you would apologize." 

"Look Harry I'm sorry ab-" I interupt him.

"Not to me. To Draco." I said "I know its weird still, being friends with him. But we don't know his full story. He's been through a lot, probably more than we have. And that's saying a lot. All I'm saying is just... think about it." Ron looks at me and shuts the door. I sigh and walk upstairs to get Draco. 

I open the door and find Draco. "Hey Draco di-" I stopped in the middle of speaking. Draco was in the middle of the room getting dressed. His chest was creamy white, I noted that quidditch had made his body very built. He pulled his shirt over his torso and looked at me. "Is there something you need?" He said smiling. I shake my head. 

"Just coming up to tell you that supper is ready." He nods and tosses his dirty clothes in his case. We walk down the stairs and as we're walking our hands briefly rub together. My hand flinches. My heart stops and so do my feet. Soon I am falling forward right into Draco. He puts a hand on my chest to keep me upright. 

"Careful." Is all he said. 

We walk into the kitchen and sit at the table. Mrs. Weasley, Mr, Weasley, Hermione, Fred and George are all present.  "I guess we will just continue without them if they aren't hungry." Molly said. Arthur looks at me with empathy. Soon everyone starts to help themselves to the food. I grab a spoonful of cheesy potato's, some pork and 2 rolls. Draco grabs some sort of stuffing, some veggies and also some rolls. 

"Can you please pass the butter?" Draco asks. I reach over and grab the tin and hand it over. "Thanks." 

"No problem."

I bite into the pork and my mouth starts to water. It was perfectly cooked and had the best gravy on top. I take a sip of my water and then eat my roll. The melted butter seeps through the sides, making my fingers greasy. I moan in pleasure. "This is the best roll I've ever eaten." I say to Molly. 

She smiles and shoves the rolls closer to me. "I knew they were your favorite so I made extra!"  I laugh and grab more of the fluffy delight. Draco hums in agreement. We sit and enjoy our meal for about another 30 minutes. Then Ron  comes down and sits with us and everyone is silent. He looks around and takes a seat next to Fred. 

"Ginny has decided to stay in her room for the night and won't come down. I tried to convince her but she wouldn't budge." Ron said as he piled his plate with food. Molly made a plate of food anyways and took it to her bedroom.  10 more minuets into eating and things start to get crazy. One of Fred and George's pranks go off and scared the absolute shit out of everyone.  A cake was left in the oven and caught on fire and Pidwigon got stuck in the curtains. Soon after, everything died down. People started to head to bed. Draco and I started doing the dishes when Ron came over.

Draco looked at me then back to his dishes. "Do you need something?" Draco said to Ron.

"Yeah, can we have a chat. Just you and I." Ron said. Draco dried off his hands and walked away with Ron.

                                                                          TIME SKIP 

Draco and I sat in our beds making small talk. It was kinda nice, just having this...friendship. But on the other hand, I fucking hate it. I hate the way he makes me feel. I hate how whenever I touch him, I have this urge to never let go. I hate it. I hate how my heart pounds when he's gone. I hate him, I hate this, I...I... I love this. I love him. I can't keep it in anymore. I want to scream it out to everyone. I love Draco Malfoy.  But he can never know.


I snap out of my thoughts. "Hmm? What did you say?" 

Draco sighs. " I asked if you were ready for school to start."

"Doesn't it start in a couple days?" I ask.

"Yeah, in two days." He says. 

"Um, not really. I mean I'm ready to see my friends and go to Hogsmead and stuff but other than that no." I say. Draco hums in agreement. 

"Yeah I'm not so keen on going back either. You saw how Ron and Ginny treated me, now imagine that, only everyday from different people." Draco played with the string on his sleeve and looked down. I get up and sit next to him. 

"Do you see that ring?" I say as a point to Draco's hand. "That ring is a reminder that you are strong. Your mother fought for you with her life. She told you you need to be brave, and going back to school with your head held high is the best way to show that. Don't break your promise."

"Your right Harry, I need to be brave." Draco mumbled. 

Yeah just be brave and tell him. Just say it. 

"Draco I..." I stop. 

"You what. Harry finish your sentence please." Draco says.

A lump forms in the middle of my throat, preventing me to speak. My tongue is tied. I focus on Draco patiently waiting. His eyes trained on mine, locked and unmoving. I take a deep breath and relax a bit. "Draco I'm exited to go to school with you and if you ever need a shoulder then I'm here for you." 

He smiled and leaned his head on my arm. "Thank you Hary. It means a lot to me." I wrap my arm around his waist and hug him. He hugs me back and we pull away, our faces barely touching. My eyes scan his face as if they were trying to remember every detail of him. Seconds pass by and we haven't moved. A knock on the door interupts us and we scoot away. 

"Boys, why in heavens name are you still up!? We have a busy day tomorrow so get some sleep." Molly chirps. We both nod  and tell her good night. She closes the door and we both go to our beds. Its really quiet and eery. I break the silence. 

"What did Ron need after dinner?" I ask.

Draco rolls over. "He just said he was done with all this bullshit and said he was sorry for how he talked to me. It was really weird." 

"Oh, well that was nice." I said. 

"Yeah, it was."he said.

"Anyways we should get to bed." I suggest.

"Okay. G'night Harry." He says as he turns our light off. I turn and face the wall, wrapping my blanket around me tightly. I could ave sworn before Molly opened that door....

He was leaning in.

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