The Note

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WARNING DO NOT READ IF                          OVERLY SENSITIVE. Please don't hate me. Things will get better I promise.

Dracos POV

"Quiet BOY! We're just getting started."

Vernon opens his locked closet and pulled out a belt. I was still curled in a ball clutching my ribs. Harry was screaming in the background and Vernon was yelling for him to be quiet.

Vernon grabed my arms and pulles me up. He throws me on to his bed and holds the belt firmly.

"Now, if you want to be a good boy you will do as I say. Take your shirt off." My lip trembles as he says this. All is too familiar. My father would do the exact same thing only worse. He would tie me up in the basement, have his friends come over, and he would sexually abuse me. The worse part was his friends would too.

I shook my head no. There is no way in hell that I was taking my clothes off. Vernon just shook his head and whipped me across my face with the belt. Pain racked through my face.

"TAKE IT OFF!!" He yelled. I looked at him and spit on him.

Oh shit. Why do I do that? Now I'm dead. I said to myself.

Vernon pulled the belt back and whipped me on my thighs and ripped my shirt off. I felt so exposed, my chest was littered with tiny scars scattered everywhere. Vernon grunted as his eyes scaned my bare chest.

"Hmm. Someone has beaten you pretty well huh. Well I know what can make you feel better..." Vernon took his pants off. I started to scream in fear, hope in someone will hear me and get me and Harry out of here. Vernon punched me in right in the face.

Then I blacked out.

Harry's POV

Draco's body lay limp on the bed. Blood trickled down his face. Vernon started to take Dracos pants off.

"DONT TOUCH HIM!" I yelled. Vernon stopped and walked over to me.

"How about you shut the fuck up! I'll do whatever I want to you two boys because nobody will care about you FREAKS!" Vernon whipped me with his belt a few times. I cried as the cold leather met my arms and legs. Vernon stomped over to Draco and continued to take his pants off.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I pulled and shake against the cuffs, trying to break free. I heard a crack and look down. The right cuff broke. I slip my hand out and work on getting the other cuffs off.

Once I got the cuffs off, I creep over to Vernons closet and grab a baseball bat he had. Vernon was rubbing Dracos chest and moaning. Thats when I lost it. I snuck behind Vernon and tapped his shoulder.

"I SAID DONT TOUCH HIM!" I yelled. I swund the bat and smacked him in the back of the head. He yelled in agony and fell to the floor. He cluthed his head as blood poured from it. He tried to get up but I just swung again and this time he got knocked out.

I took several deep breaths, just realizing what I did. I looked back at Draco. He had blood all over his face and he was only in his green Slytherin boxers. I wrapped one arm under his legs and the other around his back and carried him to our room.

I quickly set Draco on his bed and run to get some parchment. I grabbed a quill and ink and scribbled the code name for help.
Since the war was going on, the Weaslys told me to write a word if I was in absolute danger. They could help us. I wrote the word and gave the note to my owl Hedwig. I took her down stairs and let her go take the note to the Weaslys.

I ran back upstairs, not worried about being loud because Vernon was K.O and Petunia and Dudly were gone all day. I walk in my room and shut the door.

I walk over to Draco and start above him. A big bruise covered his beautiful perfect face. Tiny scars were all over his arms, legs, and chest.

"Draco. Oh my God, Draco, I'm so sorry. This should've been me. I should've been knocked out, I should've..." I couldn't finish. Tears were flowing from my eyes and on to Dracos chest. I look at Draco, he looked broken. I sat down next to him and grabbed my wand. I said a healing charm and Dracos face started to heal. His face was less red, his bruise went away and he looked normal. Almost. He still had a cut from the belt.

"Draco, I know your knocked out but I need you to listen to me. I am so sorry about what happened to you. Its all my fault. I never should I let you get my stuff, I should've just got it my self. I am so so-rry. I wanted to save you but I couldn't. I would never want ANYONE to hurt you because... Because I love you." I barely whisper the last part.

"But I know you could never love me back. And thats okay. All that matters is that you are far away from here." I look at Draco and carefully move his hair from his face. I almost kissed him on the forehead but I was interrupted by a loud tapping on the window.

(In this book Harry dosent have bars on his window)

I opened my window to a flying car with four red heads. Ron, Fred, George and Mr. Weasly.

"Harry! What is wrong? We got your message." Mr Weasly said. Fred George and Ron leaned out the windows to listen to the story.

"It dosent matter. We need to get out of here as fast as possible before Vernon wakes up." I said.

"Wait, who's we?" Ron said.

"Mr. Wesley, I need your help to carry him in the car. And be VERY careful." He nodded and stepped into the room. He took one look at Draco and let out a breath.

"Oh my. What happend? And why is he only in his underwear?" He questions.

"Thats not important. Just help me get him in the car and I will explain everything."

While Mr. Weasly was telling Ron to move up by Fred and George, I was shrinking Draco and I's stuff. Once that was done I went to help Mr. Weasly with Draco.

Mr. Weasly and I carried Draco to the car. We set him in the back seat. Ron, Fred and George crammed in the front part of the car and me and Draco were in the back. Draco was laying across me with his head in my lap.  

"Mr. Weasly, I suggest we leave now before..."


It was Vernon. He ran into my room with a bloodied face and head. He ran to the window and tried to grab hold of the car.

"DRIVE!" I yelled. Mr. Weasly pushed the gas and we flew into the sky.

"I thought you said he was asleep?" Ron half shouted.

"Well I hit him in the back of the head with a bat so I figured he would stay asleep for a while." I said like it was no big deal.

"You WHAT! Harry! That was a bad thing to do." Mr. Weasly said.

"Well once you understand what he did, then you will understand.

"What did he do?" Fred and George said.


*******To be continued *******

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