Wild Horses Part 3

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"This place is like the exact opposite of Charming. Tall buildings and neon lights everywhere. Their motorcycles sound like leaf blowers by comparison. I bought a pair of panties out of a vending machine." Chibs listened to Ari's description of Tokyo and tried not to hurry her. He wasn't doing anything in particular - trying to get started at the garage but it was almost too early to think. And he was still pissed about how she refused him.

"Sounds like a good way to get herpes."

"They're not used panties." She added. "We'll be coming back tomorrow night - well morning your time. How are my girls?"

"Maxine chewed up my boots, my socks, ate the ass out of a pair of my boxers and then bit me when I tried to feed her."

"All in one day?"

"Yeah, she's been busy." Chibs said sarcastically. "Lulu keeps throwing up yellow shit—

"You're feeding her too late." Tig said when he over heard.

"Whoever that was is right." Ari said. "Is that Tig let me talk to him." Chibs handed over the phone before he went about sluggishly making the coffee. She stayed on the phone with Tig for nearly twenty minutes. At one point he was actually chuckling about whatever they were talking about. Chibs just glared at the other man when he cooed over something Ari told him about those mutts that were ruining his week. Tig noticed and toned down his enthusiasm.

"No no I'll go with him. Okay... okay doll - here he is." Tig said before he handed the phone back. Chibs took it and put it to his ear.


"You're not a morning person." Ari noted.

"My nuts hurt."

"Aww... are you alone?" She asked.

"No." He answered quickly. "And I'm not in the mood to play."

"I can put you in 'the mood'. I can make you have a great day... or you can hang up now, be pissed off and mope about - probably make a very bad decision with one of your 'pass around girls' out of blind anger and pettiness. And when I get back I throw your pert little Scottish ass out of my bed and you will have taken care of my dogs for nothing."

"You're a real cunt—"

"And you fucking love it. Now sequester yourself before I lose my patience. I haven't got all night." Chibs took the phone away from his ear for a moment and glanced around. He had always thought phone sex was obnoxious and the people who did it were pathetic. But here he was thinking of where he could go to jerk off while Ari talked to him.

"Hold on." He said before he made his way to the clubhouse. There was no one in the dorm so he went in and locked the door. He checked the bathroom before he put the phone to his ear again. He was surprised to hear Ari's heavy breathing.

"Oh shit..." She sighed.

"Did you start without me?" He asked.

"Gonna finish without you too. But that's nothing new." She panted. "Now, I hope your hard already cause I really don't have the patience to talk you up." Chibs unlatched his belt and his zipper practically went down by it self as he pulled his cock out. He felt like an imbecile sitting there playing with himself but the more his listened to Ari's moaning the faster he went. He swore he heard a soft buzzing on her end.

"You bought a vibrator? Get that from a vending machine too?"

"The ones here are...oh they're crazy - they light up and pulse along to music... oh shit." She moaned.

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