✧ chapter 1 ✧

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i shoot up from bed and throw the covers off of me, a huge smile is plastered on my face. i run into the neighboring room and jump on my best friend to wake her up.

"GABBIE WAKE UP!! WE'RE GONNA MEET WHY DONT WE TODAYYY!!" i yell and jump on her and around the room. the second i say that sentence she launches from her bed and jumps with me. we both squeal and yell and smile so big I'm sure our faces could've ripped in half. we collapse on the bed, out of breath from celebrating. yes, i do know that we're both 18 and acting like 12 year olds, but hey...we're meeting Why Dont We today who wouldn't be excited? as we catch our breath and calm down, Gabbie says "omg i can't believe this is actually happening! we are going to meet Why Don't We....TODAY! ahhh i'm so excited!"

"me too! i've dreamed of this day since like forever!"

"ok we should probably get ready so we can go to the venue early to get in line"

"sounds good" i get up and head back to my room and open my closet. i take out a pink long sleeve Why Don't We shirt, a pair of jeans and my white vans. i put the clothes on and tie up the shirt so it's a crop top. i go into the bathroom and do my makeup, which i keep on the natural side.

 i go into the bathroom and do my makeup, which i keep on the natural side

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^my outfit, hair & makeup (the shirt is tied up)

once i'm ready, i grab my phone and my ukulele. this is no ordinary ukulele....my grandma gave it to me when i was 4 because i loved to sing and make music. it was hers but she wanted me to have it because she thought i had real talent and i could actually pursue a career in music. it's my prized possession. i also have had it signed by all my musical idols including shawn mendes, charlie puth, camila cabello, and ariana grande. i'm bringing it with me today so i can have the boys sign it when i meet them!

i go downstairs and see that Gabbie is already in the kitchen looking for food. she's wearing a white Why Don't We cropped hoodie, black jeans, and black converse with her hair in dutch braids.

^Gabbie's outfit, hair & makeup

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^Gabbie's outfit, hair & makeup

"damn my best friend is lookin fine as fuck! everyone is going to be super jealous by how much attention you'll be getting from the boys." Gabbie winks. (a/n: ik Jack is Gabbie's man but for this story he's not so just roll with it)

"oh stop it. look at you! daniel won't be able to take his eyes off of you!" i wink. we both laugh and that's when my mom walks in the room. so it's just me and my mom living in this house....but Gabbie is over all the time so she's basically part of this family. my dad left us when i was 2 years old. my mom said that one day he just packed his stuff up and left...she didn't know why. yes she was broken but she decided to stay strong and pull herself back together so she could raise me as best she could. and that's why i look up to her. she'll always be my role model.

"you girls ready to meet your idols?!?!" my mom asks.

"YESSS!" Gabbie and i both yell at the same time. we head out to the car and pile in. my mom pulls out of the driveway and i start playing Why Don't We's new album 8 Letters. Gabbie and i start singing along and adding a silly dance routine to the songs too. before we go to the venue, we stop at a starbucks because why not? my mom orders a grande iced caramel macchiato, Gabbie orders a venti mango dragonfruit refresher, and i order a quad long shot grande in a venti cup half calf double cupped no sleeve iced salted caramel mocha latte with 2 pumps of vanilla substitute 2 pumps of white chocolate mocha for mocha and substitute 2 pumps of hazelnut for toffee nut half whole milk and half breve with extra whipped cream extra cold and extra caramel drizzle on top (a/n: ik i'm not funny...i guess i'll just leave now bye)

now we finally arrive at the venue and Gabbie and i are literally buzzing with excitement! we thank my mom for driving us and she drives away. Gabbie and i turn to the building and rush over to the already long line. we can tell that this is going to take a while so i decide to take out my ukulele and continue writing the song i started writing a couple months ago. i'm not really sure what it's about. once that pen hits the paper it's like it has a mind of its own and just doesn't stop going. so i test  out a few chords with the lyrics, seeing what fits.


a couple hours later, Gabbie and i finally make it through the doors. we're the last ones in line, so maybe just maybe we'll get a little more time with the boys. a girl can dream right? anyways, as we approach the most gorgeous, flawless human beings of all time, my heart beat starts to pick up pace, but i try to act cool. Gabbie, on the other hand, bounces a couple times before running up to daniel and squeezing him to death. i laugh and the other boys smile. i can't hear what Gabbie is saying to daniel but probably something along the lines of "omg i can't believe it's actually you!" or "yay i'm so happy to see you!".

as i'm walking up to the boys, the sharpie that is in my ukulele bag slips out of the pocket. i turn around and bend down to pick it up and when i turn back to the boys, i notice jack is staring at me, slightly biting his lip. i feel my cheeks start to heat up a bit. could jack actually be checking me out? i mean ya these jeans do make my butt look good, but could he actually like me? i shake away that thought thinking that it could never happen and approach the boys.

Gabbie pulls away from daniel and makes her way down the line, hugging each boy. i do the same, each hug being pretty brief, but meaningful...at least to me. but when i reach jack, our hug lasts a bit longer than the others. and when we pull away, his hands linger on my waist.

"hey how r u?" i say to jack, keeping my arms around his neck.

"oh i'm great! r u excited for the show?" jack has the cutest smile on his face.

"very excited! i'm-" i'm interrupted by the photographer who is calling time for the picture. jack drapes his arm around me and pulls me close. Gabbie stands next to daniel and hugs him. they put their faces together and smile. i lean my head slightly against jack's shoulder. once the picture is taken i remember about my ukulele.

i start to take it out and while i do i say "oh i almost forgot! i have my ukulele here and i-" once again i am interrupted by the security saying that autographs are not allowed and that the boys have to get going.

"oh cmon tyler! it's just a quick signature it'll only take a few seconds!" jack says.

"nope nope! we have a strict rule of no autographs during this meet and greet! i'm sorry jack but you have to go."

jack looks over to me as tyler is ushering them through a door. he mouths "i'm sorry" and pouts. i gave him an "it's ok" face just as the door closes, leaving Gabbie and i to find our way to the stage area.

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hello and thank u for reading! ik this was kinda short and maybe boring but i promise if u stick around it will get more interesting! thanks!
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dear jack,
somebody call the cops, because it's got to be illegal to look that good every. single. day.

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