✧ chapter 2 ✧

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after walking down a couple of hallways and opening random doors, Gabbie and i finally find a set of double doors that lead to the venue. since we had meet and greet tickets, we're the first ones inside along with the other people who were at the meet and greet. we walk up to the front of the room, directly next to the front of the stage. we'll literally be 3 feet away from the guys. when we reach our spot, we start chatting with some other limelights.

"i'm gonna go use the restroom" i say, about 20 minutes until the doors open for the rest of the crowd. the girls nod and i head back through the double doors that Gabbie and i walked through not too long ago. i remember seeing a bathroom sign during our search for the venue. i make a right and i see a door with the ladies bathroom sign on it. i walk in and do my business. as i'm walking out and turn the corner, i bump into somebody and they nearly knock me to the ground, but they grab my arm and my waist before i could fall.

"oh my, i am so sorry. i wasn't paying-" i look up and pause mid-sentence as i realize who's holding me. Jack Avery. he looks into my light brown eyes with an amused smirk on his face as he watches me stumble for words. i finally collect myself and say "i'm sorry. i should watch where i'm going next time."

"no it was my fault. i'm sorry" jack replies. i then realize that his hands are still on my waist. i guess he realizes too because he quickly releases me and mumbles an apology. his cheeks turn a shade of red and he moves his eyes to the floor. i smile and laugh to myself at how adorable he is when he's embarrassed. he takes a deep breath and looks me straight in the eyes. he looks like he's about to say something but can't find any words so he closes his mouth. we get lost in each other's eyes and time seems to stand still. it's just me and him. i wonder what he's thinking i think. the moment is ended too soon as my phone starts to ring. i slightly jump at the noise, as the hallway was completely silent before, and look to see that it's Gabbie.

"hey Gabs, what's up?" i ask, turning away from jack, but i can still feel his gaze on me.

"just wondering where u r cuz i think the doors might be opening soon and i don't want you to lose ur spot" Gabbie replies.

"oh ya, okay i'm on my way. bye" i hang up. i turn back to jack and see that he's still staring at me.

"i should head back. don't wanna lose my spot!" i say to him.

"are you right in the front?" he asks.

"yep! you'll easily see me from the stage!"

"perfect!" he says, now smiling. i wave and turn to leave. but as i take my first step, jack grabs my arm. "wait! before you go..." i raise my eyebrows at him, waiting for him to fish something out from his back pocket. "here's a limelight. don't worry about paying for it, it's on me. i-i would love to keep talking to you." he hands me the pass and i'm speechless. he laughs when he sees my wide eyes and slightly dropped jaw. oh how i love that laugh.

"oh wow, uh, i-i....thank you so so so much!" i say, now smiling from ear to ear. jack smiles back, and i can tell he's proud of himself. "oh wait...what about my friend?" jack shoots his pointer finger in the air and reaches to his back pocket again. he pulls out another limelight and hands it to me.

"that ones on me too" he says and my fingers brush against his as i grab the limelight.

"heh um thank you again. this seriously is going to make our day!"

"of course! it's the least i could for a pretty girl like you!" my cheeks heat up and i chuckle. "oh! one last thing. what's your name?"


he smiles. "well then chloe," he says in a british accent and sticks his hand out to me and i laugh at his sudden change in character. i shake his hand. "i'm looking forward to seeing you after the show!"

A Bump in the Road || A Jack Avery StoryWhere stories live. Discover now