Chapter 09: Cody

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“You’ve gotta be kidding me...” says Christina staring at the picture then once again looking up at me. “I knew you looked familiar!”

Oh my dear God...

THEY KNOW I WAS WITH LIAM! This may become an issue...

“That date you went on a while ago… That was with Liam Payne!” says Eleanor watching me in disbelief.

I’m just standing in front of them like a stuttering mess. 

That girl that I had taken a picture with while getting a smoothie with Liam…

... That was Christina!

“Uh…” I can’t find anything to answer back to them. The two are just staring at me with wide eyes.

“Why didn’t you tell me? We talked about One Direction at the beach! You know where they are, don’t you…” says Eleanor.

“Yes…” I cave. I don’t know what to think right now!

I look at Christina, “What are you going to do with those pics?” I asked literally shaking. 

“I already posted them on Tumblr and tweeted them, I got tons of notes and retweets!” she smiles and so does Eleanor.

I begin to panic.

“Anyway you can delete them?” I ask. 

“No… Well, yes, but they are already on all sorts of other people’s blogs.” Christina answers.

I honestly don't know what to do, people are going to think I’m dating Liam! Maybe it won’t be that bad, it might just blow over… I haven’t seen anything online yet so I think I’m okay. I decide to go for a little walk on the beach to calm myself down.

I guess I wasn’t clear enough to the girls that I wanted to be alone so they followed me. 

“Did you kiss him?”

“What does he smell like?”

“What hotel are the boys at?”

“Did you meet the rest of One Direction?”

“Are you in love?”

“How did you meet?”

“Have you seen him naked?”

“WOW!! Wow!” I yell, this was getting a little out of hand. Eleanor and Christina stop right away. “Can I just go for a walk alone please? I need to think.” They notice I seem a little peeved off.

“Sure, okay, come see me later near the bonfire!” says El while leaving with her friend to join Ryan near the fire.

I start to walk down the beach barefoot in the cold sand avoiding the occasional pointy shell. I can’t stop thinking about Liam, aah Liam! He’s amazing! I hope those pictures don’t get out though, my mom will freak! I promised her no guys until I find a house. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I do know for a fact that Jenna will be EXTREMELY jealous, haha, I'm perfectly fine with that.

Then again, I’m not even dating Liam!  

And what if the pictures don’t get out? He probably doesn’t even like me anyway. We're just friends, but then there’s Niall… Beautiful Niall. I really do feel for him a lot, especially when we were dancing and almost kissed… That was incredible. I wish it would have never ended, he’s just… wow!

I look at the ocean, the tide is up, it's such a breath taking sight. I take of my pants and shirt off leaving only my bikini and place them on the sand near my flip-flops then I put my feet into the freezing water. WOW that’s cold!

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