Love Comes Once

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                   " Her smile puts the city lights into shame. Her magical blue eyes make the stars feel dull. Her laugh makes people feel loved, and her name, Sabrinah Alexandra, is as amazing as her face. Her perfect blond hair that no other person can have. Oh no, someone call the police, she stole my heart. I wish that one day, I steal her heart, and I wish she steals my last name. Is this truly love at first sight? "

*Teacher inturrupts* 
" And the answer is Mr.Katherine?"

" Huh? Oh uhhh...maybe..ummm...Sixty-three? "

*Bell rings*
" Before you kids leave, Allen that was the correct answer and class please copy down your homework that is due on Wednesday. " 

With a surprised look on his face, Allen leaves the class room and his best friend Chris comes along.
 " You were thinking about her, weren't you? " Chris said.

" No?! What?! Ughhh.. is it obvious? "

" Well I mean you liked her, more like loved her since the 4th grade man! When is the time gonna come when you actually talk to her! " 

" I don't know man, everytime I see her my heart starts beating, everytime we make eye-contact it feels like I've gone blind or something, she's so beautiful! I can't get over her..."

" Well do what you got to do Allen, and I really do hope you know what your doing. All you ever do is listen to love songs and other junk but that stuff is never going to help you win her heart! Listen, you know your in love when you think about someone else more than yourself. I've gotta go, my mom is waiting.. We'll talk later? "

" K, bye".

" Peace".

Allen walked home and the whole time he was thinking of Sabrinah Alexandra. He's been crushing on her ever since the 4th grade, they are both in the 9th grade at Hilton High. Chris Brandon and Allen's family have known each other for more than 17 years and have been besties when they were about 3 years old. Alex is a quiet, shy, pure and sweet hearted boy while Chris is very interactive and out going. 

*Allen enters house*

" Hi mom, what's there to eat?"

" Hey son! There's sandwhiches and why do you look so.. so tired and depressed? Is something wrong Allen?"

" Oh nothing, I'm just having a weird and tiring day from the first day of school already...I'm going to my room and fresh out and relax a bit."

" Okay, oh and remember, clean up your room when your done the Brandons are coming over tonight at 8 "

" Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that everybody will meet up in my room"

" Hahaha ok, ok, just make sure you clean up your room okay?"

Allen lives with his mom, his father was shot 4 years ago trying to protect a friend at a resturaunt. His mother works at a Chase Bank, and she makes good money to pay the bills. His older brother, Timothy, lives in Florida and is married. Timothy and Allen have a really good brother relationship and looks like nothing could break them apart. Allen had told his brother Timothy on how he feels about Sabrinah, and he keeps telling him exactly what Chris does.

8:00 P.M.

*Door bell rings*

" Hi! Welcome in! You guys look so georgous! Especially Emily!" Allen's mom said.
" Aww thank you Mrs.Katherine!"

" Haha Hi Sharon. " Chris mom said

"Please, you guys come in! "

Chris lives with his mom, dad, and his little 4 year-old sister.

" Hey, Chris, come on upstairs! " Allen said from the the staircase.

" Ok great! We have a lot of  serious things to talk about my friend. "

Chris runs upstairs and goes to Allens room so they can talk.

" So, what was the serious stuff you needed to talk to me about?"

" Of course! Your " love life " mister.. I'm going to help you man up to talk to Sabrinah with an actual conversation young man"

" Ummm... you sure? Because everytime she says hi to me I awkwardly say hi or something.."

" Well no longer now, you need to steal her heart before it becomes someone else's. Listen I know you can do this!"

" You know what? I can do this! For God sake I am Allen Katherine! " 

"Welcome to Camp Chris sergeant ! "

And that whole night, Chris helped Allen become more confident on talking to her.

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