Part 2

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When the Brandons had left, Allen really deeply thought about on what Chris had told him on talking to Sabrinah. When Allen went to sleep, he had a dream. His dream was about him talking to Sabrinah.
  " Hey Sabrinah"

" Oh hi Allen! "

" So babe, I was thinking you wanna go out saturday night? "

" Oh sure, I would love to! "

" Great! I'll pick you up at 8 . "

* Drink from Allen spills*
" Ugghh!! You freak! You spilled your stupid Coke all on my new clothes! Ughh... Think again about that date this saturday night! Bye bye freak! "

*Allen wakes up*

" AHHHHHH!!!!"

Allen wakes up breathing deeply from his dream and looks at the time. 

" Awww Man it's only 4:35 A.M.? Wait what if what had happened in my dream happens tomorrow in person? What if I do something totally embarrassing? My one and only opportunity screws up? Let me call Chris ."

*Phone rings*

'' Hello? Who's this?"

" Oh sorry Chris it's Allen. I'm sorry I woke you up! "

" What? Oh haha don't worry I was up the whole time. I'm not even sleepy, so yeah what's up? Everything cool? "

" Yeah just I had a dream that I went to Sabrinah and ask her out on a date. "

" Hmmhmmm... Go on I'm listening. "

" So then she agreed to, then my Coke fell all on her new clothes and she called me a freak and cancled the date. "

 " HAHAHHAHAAHHA!! Wow! Seriously!? Hahahah wow man! "

" Dude I'm scared, what if this happens tomorrow? I'll be dead! "

" Okay okay dude first thing you've got to do is chill out! Look I want you to practice talking to her, you know? Practice infront of the mirror. Trust me  I got your back on this one. Peace ."

Through out that whole night, Allen practiced and felt that confidence in him that he had never felt before about her.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(The Next Day)

Allen and Chris walked to school together and Allen told him on how he felt more confident. Chris knew that he could do it, and told him that he was ready but Allen became a bit more nervous about it.

" Hey Chris, what if this doesn't work out? Dude, she's the only girl I want. The way she is, her personality is so different. I don't even think I'm that type of guy for her."

"  Allen have you lost your mind? Come on, there's a time in life where you have to do the things you thought you couldn't. You only live once, make the most of it! The way your going to talk to her and make eye-contact with will make her like you! Listen, if it doesn't work out there's plenty of fish in the sea! "

The boys enter the school and go straight to 1st period. Allen's seat is right next to Chris's, and Sabrinah sits behind Allen. Chris passed a note during class to Allen.

The read :

Hey, after class you go talk to her alright? I'll be standing near the trash can to see if everything's working alright. We've got this!

" Ok class for your project I'm going to assign you guys a partner. Michael will be with Britney, Kevin will be partners with Jacob, Allen will be with Sabrinah...(To be continued) "

" What!?" Allen whispered to himself.

*Bell rings*

The boys walk out of class with a surprised look on their face.

" Okay, wow! Your love of your life is now partners with you so now you have to talk to her! Oh and go talk to her now! "

" Okay, Okay! I'm going.. "

Chris runs and goes behind the trash can while Allen takes small, slow steps towards Sabrinah. Then finally she turns around.

" Oh hi Allen! " She said with a sweet and pure voice.

" Uhhh...hauuh..Hi Sa- Sa- Sa-.."

" Sabrinah. My name is Sabrinah hahaha how could you forget me? Haha we've known each other since the 4th Grade, remember?" 

" Ohh.. uhh.. yeahh I remember. So uhh can't wait for our project huh? "

" Well, yeah so the fact that you and me are partners, should I come to your house this saturday for the project? Well if your not busy. "

" No, no please come. I'm not busy at all, when am I ever busy? Busy is such an unusual word isn't it? Busy. Busy. Busy. Bu-"

" So that's a yes Allen?"

" Yeah, uhh bye! "

Allen runs towards Chris with an awkward look on his face.

" So, how'd it go?"

" Well... She's coming to my place this saturday for the project. "

" Ahhh great move man! But you really gotta work on what you wear!"

" What do you mean? I look great! "

" No you don't, and I need you to also being strong and not a weakling.. Wear do you go for clothes?"

"The mall.. American Eagle, Abercrombie, Aeropostale and Express. "

" Come on, this time your coming with me.."

The boys went to the mall spending almost $500 just on cloths and shoes to get ready for this saturday. Chris talked to Allen about not to go to his house for the " date " they call it..

" Allen, tell her when she comes this saturday that you can't enter the house and your mom has gone on vacation! So ya'll to love birds can go on a lovely walk around town! "

" You sure? "

" Dude listen, talk to her. Get to know her and she'll get to know you. This is perfect! "

The Allen agreed and couldn't wait for this saturday. And anyways that saturday, Allens mom is leaving to her friends house for a game night. Allen felt a lot better about his life.. 


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