Chapter one

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I just had the most amazing dream, I was flying above the Egyptian pyramids with the sun setting over my shoulder. The sun just disappeared behind the horizon when I woke up to see the sunrise outside my window. I hope I remember that dream but the reality is that I will eventually forget it. That's why I got my dream catcher, I've had since I was eight and it still fills me with hope every time I walk past it and remember that it holds all my dreams. I know its stupid to be emotionally attached to an object like this but it's like a reminder, a reminder that I can make it happen, one day I'll leave this boring country town and I'll travel the world.

But at the moment I still have to struggle to get out of bed, eat three weet-bixs for breakfast and catch an old, slow bus to school. Our school is has a very obvious social pyramid, split into four sections. The bottom part, the biggest of the four is the no body section, for the nerds and geeks, personally I find them all quite nice but and I quote 'it would be social suicide' to talk to them. Then there's the skater kids, they spend basically all there time swearing or scabbing money off year 7s, I find them quite scary so I avoid them but I'm pretty sure everyone else thinks so too. Then there's the sporty group, there all future gold medalists and are the fittest people I've every met, everyone likes them and so do I. There not strange like the nerds and geeks and there not creepy like the skater kids, there fun. Then there's my group who I'm only lucky enough to be in because I'm best friends with my neighbor mike who is the most popular boy in our school. Anyway my group, there all perfect, and they all somehow know everyone even the teachers. I know what your thinking we're all horrible and mean and we pick on everyone else. Well your wrong we're all pretty nice and we don't publicly pick on people nor do we hang out at the mall all the time.

But there are people in my grade who are like that, I forgot about those three. Rose, Hope and Danielle the three most perfect and rudest bitches on the planet. All three of them (you'll never see one without the other two) hate me for some reason, wait, let me think about it, maybe I did something, nothing,The three just hate me for existing but to be honest I don't really care, actually my day wouldn't feel complete without one of them laughing at me or teasing me. Mike and my friends all stand up for me but they know theres no point, all they want is attention.

Today I have a double period of English (ugh, kill me now) with Mr King, he makes us call him 'The King' and when ever he chooses one of us to send a message or something we officially become one of his knights or if he doesn't like you the jester. He's pretty lame, but at least he's trying to make English interesting. I'm Mr Kings favorite student unfortunately, so he always picks me to answer the questions when half the time I have no idea what he's talking about. And this time he caught me in the middle of a heated texting argument with my friend Jessica.

"Miss Yuuio" said The King " what is personification?"

"Omg! Jessica no one cares!!!" I screamed at my phone

"Miss Yuuio!!!" Yelled The King (oh crap he never gets angry like this) "were you even listening!! Are you telling me you were on your phone this whole lesson, even if you were not just having you phone out is worth a detention, and to scream out like that in the middle of class distracting everyone.......etc"

I'm in so much trouble, The king is crazy strict about phones during class and out of class, actually I bet The King just hates the idea that phones were invented and I was his favorite student, I bet I've officially lost that statice now, forever a jester. It wasn't until he's mentioned calling my parents I got actually worried, my parents are going to flip, I'm the angel child, no he can't do this.

But he did. On the bus back home the suspense was killing me, were my parents going to get really angry at me or are they just going to shrug it off. I usually never get in trouble, they will have to remember that, I just forgot to be good today every angel child has there bad days right?

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