Chapter four

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It's so hard to describe, being locked in the basement as a cyclone teared your beloved town to pieces above you without your parents to reassure you that's everything going to be okay. But I'm going to try. I refused to open my eyes, but even the darkness of behind my eyelids won't cover up the heart breaking reality. The wind seemed to be bellowing in my ear, screaming 'your going to die' as loud as it can. Above you, you can hear trees being torn out of the ground, storm water overflowing the gutters, glass smashing, people screaming. Where's mum and dad?

Finally I managed the courage to open my eyelid hoping that I'm not dead. The small basement was illuminated by only a forgotten flashlight, In the corner were Mike and Agnes crying in each others arms. All the dried fruit and spare batteries have fallen off the shelves, the walls were damp but other than that it wasn't so bad. Then I remembered this basement was made for cyclones, it'll hold, I hope. Then I noticed a small crack in the wooden celling, I don't know what made me do it but I stood up shaking and covered in sweat, I probably stink. I stood up and looked through the crack only to see the roof of my beloved safe house crumble and crash to the floor scaring me half to death. I quickly felling to the floor and put my knees up to my face waiting to be squashed but nothing happened the basement was still intact but now we're trapped, nobody will find us, we ran away from school they will think we're dead. They won't even bother to look for us. Stop! Emmelia your over reacting, they'll find us, they have to.

Then the basement shook violently and all the paint tins fell off the shelf behind me on to my head.

It was night when Agnes shook me awake, I couldn't see the sky's just sorta had a hunch.

"Emmelia? Emmelia are you okay?" Whispered Agnes through tears

"Yeah" I replied "what happened"

"We heard crashing and more crashing, for a while it was just noise, and we both had our eyes close you see and we didn't know where you were, but when everything kinda got quieter I opened my eyes and I saw you sleeping. Well I thought you we're sleeping, I was really scared so my brain wasn't working, it took me a while to notice the shelving unit on top of you. Me and Mike got it off you and tried to wake you up. I think the cyclones stopped now maybe, I can't hear anything, well it's still rain but it's not as bad now..."

Then Agnes faded out for a second and then said as if she's put a lot of thought into what she's going say "what if this is sorta like a second chance, like I know the whole town is destroyed and everything but what if you look at it in a different perspective, what if this was meant to happen to give us a reason to leave. I know that all of us have been dreaming about travelling what if someone (she pointed to the sky) is trying to tell us that now the time to start. Everything happens for a reason"

Both Mike and me were astonished at what Agnes said how could she, leave this town in pieces, leave our parents who are probably dead or hurt somewhere to go seek our dream, my dream seems like such a small unimportant thing now compared to the destruction the cyclone caused to my safe house, my safe town and all of the people in it. But... It would be nice to go seek adventure and maybe she's right everything does happen for a reason.

"What about mum and dad and emmelia's parents?!" Mike yelled at Agnes "are you that self obsessed that you didn't even think of them?!"

"Do you really what to stay here in sadness, waiting to see if there dead, well I don't, I don't care if that makes me self obsessed, I would rather leave not knowing then have that burden always resting on my shoulders" yelled Agnes back

You know if they keep yelling maybe someone will find us under here. All my life ive been searching for a reason to leave this place to go searching for adventure maybe this is it.

"Mike, I'm with Agnes" I said quietly more to myself than anything

They both looked at me surprised, mouths open, eyes staring.

"Well I'm not going to let you go with just my crazy sister for company you'll get killed, alright I'm going too"said mike firmly

And that's how we became the travellers. That's how our adventure starts.

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