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I don't know anymore. I don't know what to do, so I smile. I look around from the dull grass frozen from the winter breeze to the limp tree standing cowardly. I feel my tears slowly run down my face like rain over glass. I feel my vision getting blurry as the smile starts to fade. I feel dull like my blonde hair that no longer seems to shine. My bright blue eyes no longer seem to burn with passion that flame filled blue now destroyed, whispering feelings best untold, now sinking to a dull grey. I feel my knees buckle as I slide down onto the grass. I felt the individual blade of cold grass rub against my back as I lie down. I look up at the night sky which is empty like me, without my moon. I slowly start the to fade away as I think, 'I'll be with you again my love.' As I leave this world with a smile on my face.

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