Of course

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Chap 2
I wake up to the wretched blaring of my alarm. I reach over to turn it off when I think better of it and just snooze it. I might fall asleep again waking up so early. I'm not a morning person at all 4:30 comes to early. As I am about to fade back into sleep the god forsaken alarm clock goes off. I slowly rise like a mummy rising from its tomb only to fall back into bed, desperate to go back to sleep. It's the first day of school so I have to wake even earlier so I can also get my daily jog in. I get up trying to rub the sleepiness from my eyes preparing to get dressed for a few mile jog. I get up rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I drag myself over to my dresser getting out a simple black sports bra and black sweats. I quickly put on the sport gear and put on my apple watch. I walk out the door and start my timer for my jog needing to get back by 6:30. It's already 5. I need to get at least 5 miles to get the same amount and continue my streak. As I start to run I finally feel at peace. No worries about family, friends or lack thereof. I run down the road loving 5 the feel of stretching my muscles. I start to hum along to the calming melody of Dying in LA by Panic at the Disco as I go. I look left and right trying to decide where I can run, it doesn't matter. I turn right analyzing my surrounding surprised to be next to a cute little cafe. Balcony Coffee and Tea. I stop running and slow to a walk. I go to the door when I see that it's closed but opens at 5:30. I start to run again prepared to just keep on running admiring the view when I see him. Again. Oh god not him. I pull my hood up stuffing my hair away and start to run again.  I see two doves a sign of good luck but for me there is no such thing as good luck. I start to sprint trying to make up for lost time.
——Time skip to end of run——
I arrive back to the house five minutes before I have to get ready for school covered in a light sheen of sweat. I rush to take a shower after jogging for 6 miles instead of 5. I pull some clothes out simple black jeans, a blue shirt, and a black oversized hoodie. Something so that I blend in unlike some of the other girls. I look at my phone to see a message from Alex, my one and only friend, asking if I need a ride. I reply with a quick yep, then walk to the door clothes in hand. I open the door to see Sebastian opening his. We lock eyes then we simultaneously start running to the bathroom. We both get to the door and I hold out my hand for our ultimate battle. I nod my head as he does and launch my hand down with scissors as he goes rock. He runs inside before I can try and locks the door. I claim defeat and walk downstairs seeing a note on the fridge. At work see you guys around 7pm. XOXO P.S. there is 20 dollars in case you want to get a pizza. REMEMBER SEB IS NOT ALLOWED TO COOK. I laugh thinking about the last time he tried making pancakes.
    I watch as my brother tries to make pancakes. I meant to help him but I want to see how this goes. He pours a cup of flour into a bowl looking around for something while knocking over the bowl of flour. Just starting and already screwing up. That's my brother. It looks like a blizzard went through the kitchen. I don't even notice I'm laughing till I hit the floor trying to contain the laughter."Stop laughing!" He shouts slightly annoyed but with amusement in his voice. "I I'm sorry, Olaf!" I say back to him laughing in between. He sighs and start to make them again without cleaning up his mess. He'll have to sometime today, I'm sure as Hell not going to.
"Jerk." He mutters under his breath.
   He finally makes the batter (using more salt than sugar) and he's about to pour it into the pan when he realizes the stove isn't even on. He turns it on to 6 the highest heat setting then waits. I watch as he pours the batter onto the skillet. He didn't use grease. I laugh and he looks at me with silent question in his eyes. I just shake my head and watch disaster strike. He starts to turn around to watch the tv while he waits when we smell burning. He grabs the spatula and starts trying to peel it off the skillet while he mutters profanities. I start to cough as he burns the spatula and the smell of burnt plastic spreads. I rush to open a window as he gives up and just turns off the burner.
   "I give up. Just cook already I can't do this shit!" He exclaims frustration evident in his voice. "Come on, the fun is just beginning. You got this," I say as he starts to complain and I laugh. "Come on let's just order pizza." He says completely resigned.
I put four pop tarts in the toaster and go back upstairs to see if slowpoke is out of the shower yet. No. I swear he cares more about his appearance than some people of the girls on RuPaul. I grab my galaxy bag checking through it to make sure I got all my over the summer work. I love having all AP classes. I grab my headphones and sharpies and shove them in my bag, which I sling onto my shoulder, before going back downstairs. I set my bag down by the door because Alex is spontaneous. I hear the song from the toaster and I go to grab a pop tart. I hit the side of the toaster when I hear him scream "I'M OUT THE SHOWER!" "SHITTTTT!" I yell as I burn my finger and put my burnt finger in my mouth. I sprint up the stair preparing to cuss him out for making me burn myself. When I get to the top of the stairs I see him in only sweats. "Come on dude! No public nudity in anyway! No necks shoulders or ankles! My god didn't they teach you this stuff?!" I scream at him as he roll his eyes. As I grab my clothes from my room he does an exaggerated show of putting on his hoodie. "That's better Mr.Watts," I say to him walking into the bathroom and slamming the door. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I brush my teeth and walk back downstairs. I reach into my pocket grabbing my phone to see 7:35.
"YO SCHOOL STARTS IN TEN!" I yell at my brother as I hear a honk outside. I grab my pop tarts that I failed to get earlier. I run out the door leaving him and jump into Alex's silver Honda.
Alex's my best and only friend since forever. Sometimes sarcastic.
"You seem to be in a rush." Alex says to me in a disgusting upbeat attitude. "Of course first day of hell. So excited!" I say back sarcasm evident in my voice. He rolls his eyes and speeds up. I usually would say something but we're almost late so I don't really care. I start to zone out when I'm asked, "You draw anything recently?" "Just simple stuff nothing good." I respond. "All your drawings are amazing!" He almost shouts. I know realize we are in the parking lot. I open the door to his car and start walking to the school. "Wait up!"  He screams halfway across the lot. I start to run to the door and I hear heavy panting behind me as I reach the doors. I look behind me to see Alex bent over trying to catch his breath. What a loser.
"I'm not a loser." He says. I reach into my pocket for my phone when the late bell rings. "Bye dude!" I yell moving among the last few teenagers in the hall. Class 362 not too far away. I make it to my first period, Mrs.Thomas, right as the bell stops ringing. She turns from the front of the room to glare at me before going back to introducing herself. I take a seat in the back quickly stuffing one of my earbuds in my ear. I start to examine my surroundings to see someone staring back at me. I feel as if I recognize him. The boy from my jogs. Oh god this will be fun. As the teacher drones on about her life, I pull out my sketch book, only to realize I didn't bring my proper pencils.
Oh great! My crush is in my class with me and I didn't bring my art supplies. Wait...crush. No I don't get crushes but damn he's a greek god. I find myself moving my head up so I can look at him. Oh god. Great way to start the new school year.
Yeah its been forever made this chapter longer because of my absence.
Luv this Nerd
-Sincerely Me

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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