As I met him

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Sorry it took so long. Made it slightly longer because of it.

My world felt as if it changed as soon as I saw him. The way he walked the simple streets of Los Angeles making it seem like the red carpet. His cropped hair sticking to his head as he finished his run. He looks in my direction and I ducked my head walking faster, on my way home from the library, hoping that he doesn't spot me on the semi-crowded street. Good thing luck was always on my side as he walks over to me. Out of all the people here it has to be him. As he gets closer I notice his brilliant amber and green eyes before he reaches out for me as to ask "Who are you", but I swiftly flinch away from his touch and sprint as fast I can towards my house. I don't call this place my home anymore not after 'it' happened. It may have been a while ago but some memories never faded. I run straight to my room and open my shopping bag. I pull out Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief and rush to be in any world besides my own. I look at my phone and see it reads 7pm, 3 hours after I got home. My mom would be calling me down for dinner any minute now, "BELLE!"
Belle Watts the name I was cursed with. As I open my door and start to head downstairs. I see my older brother staring at me from the dinner table, "You okay?" I look at him, one of my only friends, and say honestly, "Sure, you?" I respond eager to end this conversation, he may be one of my few friends but he can get annoying fast especially as a jock."I'm good," Sebastian replies. As he opens his mouth to speak mom comes out with the food. Simple vegan burgers and grilled corn, I refuse to make a simple animal suffer just so that I can eat. After passing those chicken trucks I think I'm good. After what feels like a lifetime of simple talk with my mom and brother I am finally excused of all of that. I think of what torture I'll have to go through at high school as the quiet art girl with all AP classes. I still get bullied though, but I only have this year till I can leave. As I prepare to take a shower I can't help but to think about the brown hair beauty. I can't help but hope that he goes to my school, though who would want to be with me.
---I'm not narrating a shower---
As I lie down in bed my mind wanders to the stranger on the street. Those amber and green eyes like a cats eye. I wonder if we might ever meet again, and if we did would he even care? I slowly fade into a gentle slumber as I hold onto the eyes that caught my attention.

I MADE ANOTHER CHAPTER BE PROUD. Also would anyone like to be my editor I know I probably need it. Just pm me. Cya later and peace.

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