shawnmendes Look what I found in Canada! @ wecanthide
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shawmilavibe So he's not going to talk about last night?
cryingoutloud Omg he actually came back to Canada just to find that book! So sweet!!! 😭😭😭
batshitcrazy Ehh I actually thought that wecanthide shit was over.
marrymeshawn Please Shawn Be Careful about this
spicyshawnie Be careful about what? @ marrymeshawn
batshitcrazy All this just for the media attention smh
wecanthidereplying to Shawn Mendes
Haha do I need to get ready for the battle?
shanwmendes You should've been ready already I had it in hands all day! @ wecanthide
wecanthide Lol. Hit me? @ shawnmendes
shawnmendes Just so we're clear. You're still saying that Joshua was a jerk and never really fell in love with Delor right?
wecanthide Right. He was just fascinated by the twisted evil version of her.
"The first thing that I saw in Delor was her kindness. It isn't noticeable if you don't know her very well. But I had the chance to witness how she saved the cursed young lady of our town : Marissa whom is married and happy now." ~Joshua
What your paragraph pointed out is that being the priestess of hell didn't make a vilain of Delor considering the fact that she accepted to lose on of her spiritual gifts to help a total stranger. Joshua was just making a statement here.
shawnmendes He wasn't just making a statement he was appreciating one of her qualities. Which means that he saw more in her than just an evil creature.
wecanthide He would've been blind to not see more in her than just an evil creature. But that still doesn't prove that he actually fell in love.
shawnmendes Seeing someone as they really are and not just being fooled by their appearance is one of the many ways to fall in love.
wecanthide So you're agreeing with the fact that Delor wasn't a villain at all?
shawnmendes Haha you wish! But lots of villains have a lovable side it makes the plot more attractive.
Anyways I'm not taking your precedent tweet as a valuable argument. Because later in the story Joshua clearly stated that Delor's generosity was becoming a weakness. How do you fall in love with someone's quality and then qualify it as a problem?
shawnmendes Oh c'mon! Joshua was a fucked up kid his feelings were all over the place
wecanthide Exactly. Meaning that u can't label what he felt for Delor as love.
shawnmendes You know what I'm just going to keep reading I'm sure I'll find something else since I'm just in the beginning.
wecanthide Yh you do that 😹
A lot of you has been asking me to find more info about We Can't Hide. Don't worry guys I'm working on it!!!
Also one of my friends texted me that she knew a Delor who was obsessed with a certain book when she was in high school in Spain.
A/N Please guys don't forget to vote and share the story with your friends. It's also very important xx