Good Girls should Stay Away from Hot Guys

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After School
Alejandro Garcia's villa

- How was your first senior day?

Garcia is cooking

[ Delor came here right after school and mostly because she was hungry and knew she wouldn't fine anything at home.

As a delicious smell spreads in the kitchen, she feels very lucky to be friend with someone who can save her life and feed her properly as well.]

Delor, sarcastic

You mean my "second"
first senior day?

Not impressed

My bad. So how was it?

Delor, done

How do you think it was?
I'm stuck with a bunch of kids that
I didn't even noticed last year.

Garcia, turns around
to smile at her

Well in that case you have the opportunity to make new friends since you hated pretty much everyone that was in your previous senior class.

Delor, angrily

No Alejandro. I don't wanna be the positive minded girl right now. My whole life sucks and I think I have the perfect right to be the hateful bitch who wanna kill everybody inside.

Garcia, amused


rolling her eyes

Just.. forget it. I had a psychotic moment at school today.

[ He laughs and Delor just stares
Appreciating it.]

still cooking

And I thought we've already agreed with the fact that you should never call me Alejandro.

[ Delor smiles. She knows that he prefers being called by his nickname Noa.

Because Alejandro sounds a little too much "i'm a gangster from the mob".]

Delor, changing the
school subject

So uhm.. Did you saved
anyone lives today?

Noa, not fooled
by her diversion

You know that saving people life is not something you can just do in one day right?

Delor, annoyed
but amused

God! Why do you have to be so literal? You know what I mean.

Noa, teasingly

No I don't. Your lazy ass needs to use specific words for me to understand you correctly.

Delor, grimacing

Jesus.. you're really dad material.

Noa, turns around
in shook

No I'm not!

Delor, laughing
Very, very loud

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