Shawn's Agenda | 2

21 2 5

11:30 am |Meeting with Crack Davis
at his office


Lisa, furious

Is this masquerade
really necessary?

Davis, loosing
his patience

Of course it's necessary!
This is how CDs get sold out!!!

Lisa, looks at Shawn
sitting next to her

I'm very disappointed
that you agreed to walk in that.

Davis, annoyed

Don't make a drama out of it Liz we're making a happy soul in this cruel world.

Lisa, clearly pissed

I literally wanna punch
you in the face right now.

Shawn to Lisa

What's so bad about it anyways we're just going to make a fan happy like Davis said.

[ Lisa looks at him
speechless during a few seconds.]

Davis, sighs

Listen Liz , since you're still young in the business I'm gonna explain some things to you. [useless dramatic pause] Every pop star needs a label.

Lisa, sarcastic

Woaw I really
didn't know that.

Davis, loosing his
patience again

God can you just.. Let me finish? I'm not talking about label as in "music and shit" no I'm talking about label as who the public thinks you are and THAT is really what makes you get an audience.

[ He leans back against his chair and starts gesturing the pen he has in hand.

As if he was explaining some very complex mathematic equation and Lisa just think that he's so full of himself.]

Davis, still going on

I mean it's pretty obvious look at Rihanna for example : strong woman, bad bitch, that's what works for her public.

Then you have Taylor Swift. Everybody seems to think that she can't keep a man to save her life and she uses that to sell her music.

[ Lisa is about to stand up and start screaming because no one fucking disrespect Taylor Swift.]

Davis, quickly

No offense, no offense.. I love Taylor Swift everybody loves Taylor Swift!

[Shawn is casually ignoring all this conversation and playing Candy Crush on his phone. Level 863 is being a pain in his ass!]

Lisa, done

Just get to the point already

Davis, finally coming
to the point

Alright, alright. What I'm trying to say is that the public image of Shawn being the dude from Vine doesn't work anymore.

I mean most his fans who were here since the old Magcon have basically moved on and some of them only stay active just 'cause of their Instagram followers.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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