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Nalani's POV
"Come on kids!" Momma yelled upstairs. "Coming!" Autumn, Aubrey, and I yelled simultaneously. We rushed downstairs and was met with Dad. He looked at us and said "Go change."

We all groaned, then Momma came into the room the fix Daddy's pocket thingie in his shirt

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We all groaned, then Momma came into the room the fix Daddy's pocket thingie in his shirt.

We all groaned, then Momma came into the room the fix Daddy's pocket thingie in his shirt

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"They look fine baby. Plus we don't have time for them to change." We all smirked and he sucked his teeth. "Fine." He said. We all got in to the car and headed to our destination. Eissa looked over at us and said, "You look pretty sissys." "Thank you Eisses!" Autumn and Aubrey cooed while pinching his cheeks. He started whining and I slapped their hands. "Leave my baby alone." I smirked. Eissa reached for me and I grabbed him. "That's what's wrong with him now." Dad laughed. Momma' s head shot up, " Ain't nothing wrong with my baby." Joey smirked and shook his head " You know I hate disagreeing with you Jan, but Eissa is very spoiled." I laughed. "What you laughing for Lani? It is your fault." Daddy said. "False, it's the twins and Momma' s fault." Dad shook his head, " Naw Lani you spoil him the most. You two are inseparable." I shook my head and Autumn but in the conversation. " Lani, when we drop him off at Wissam's, you start crying! Don't even fraud and say you don't!" I nodded my head, " Okay and! That's my baby. I be missing him!" They started laughing, " See where I'm coming from Jan. Poor baby only cries for Lani and you." Joey smirked, " So! He just favors Lani and I more than the rest of you all. You're all jealous, that's what this is. Ganging up on Lani and I!" Momma said as she high fives me. They all sucked their teeth while mumbling things. Joey stopped laughing as he opened the door, grabbing Momma's hand as she stepped out and we followed. I spotted Auntie Oprah and ran to her. She hugged me and I hugged her back. "I haven't seen you in so long Lanibug." I laughed, " I know it's been so long." She let go and turned to Momma, " Okay Jan and Tyler, I'm going to interview the kids first and then bring you guys out. Is that fine?" Auntie O asked. "Yea that's fine" Dad responded. "Alright you're on in 2." The producer called to us.
                      Interview Mode:   
Oprah: I am so excited for this beautiful blended family on the show today. I have two icons and their family. One icon is famous for his comedic dramas, starring his famous character Madea. The other icon names isn't baby, it's Janet, Miss Jackson if you're nasty. Please help me welcome the children of these icons Nailani, Autumn, Aubrey and Eissa Jackson- Perry.
*The crowd goes wild*
Oprah: So nice of you guys to join us.
Nailani: So nice of you to have us. We're extremely excited to be here!
Oprah: Really?
All: Really!
Oprah: Well let's get this started. What is it like having Janet Jackson and Tyler Perry as parents?
Autumn: Can I answer this one?
Nailani, Eissa and Autumn: Go ahead.
Aubrey: Bet! It's a blast! Momma is super strict yet fun, while Poppa is more of the laid back one. But to us they are not Janet Jackson and Tyler Perry, they are just Momma and Daddy. They are just any other parent.
Oprah: Alrighty then.
Nailani: Yea. Momma is strict, all she has to is give us a look and we straighten up. But it's a strict to where we don't necessarily fear her, we just really respect her or else there will be consequences. And Daddy just let's us get away with anything. But in a good way.
Oprah: Really?
Autumn: Yes ma'am.
Oprah: Okay next question. Are you guys like super spoiled?
Nailani: No ma'am. Really anything we want we have to work for because Momma says nothing in this world is free. But when it come to needs we have everything we could ever need.
Autumn and Aubrey: That's how it is.
Oprah: So who the most spoiled?

Eissa: It depend on who the person is.

Aubrey: Yea, he has a point.

Autumn: Yea. Lani is spoiled by Uncle Mike, Uncle Jermaine, and Uncle Tito, TJ, Taj, and Paris. Aubs is spoiled by Grandma, Grandpa Joe, and Auntie Toya. I am spoiled by Uncle Marlon, Uncle Randy and Daddy, while Eisses by Momma, Joey, Lani, Daddy, Aubs, and I. Well basically everyone.
Nailani: That's very accurate Auttie
Oprah: Wow!
Eissa: Yea, except I am not spoiled. Aubs is a spoiled brat.
Aubs: Am not!
Eissa: Are to!
Aubs: Am not!
Eissa: Are to!
Nailani: Alright guys that's enough.
Aubs and Eissa: *mockingly* Alright that's enough!
Autumn: *Laughing*
Oprah: You both were just arguing, now you're teaming up against Lani
Eissa: Yup!
Autumn: They're always ganging up on Lani.
Oprah: So, I'm going to bring out Janet and Tyler our after the break to play a little game. Is that fine with everyone?
All: Yes!!
Oprah: Alrighty then. We'll be right back with Janet Jackson and Tyler Perry.
Nailani: Momma I have to use the restroom.
Janet: Alright hurry back Bug.
Nailani: Will do
Nailani's POV
I rushed to the restroom and handled my business. By the time I was back in the room, we were going back on set.
Interview back
Oprah: We are back with the phenomenal children of Janet Jackson and Tyler Perry.
All: *Waves*
Oprah: Now I promised to bring Janet and Tyler our after the break so here we are. Janet Jackson and Tyler Perry everyone!
Audience: * claps and yells*
Janet and Tyler: * Waves and hugs Oprah*
Tyler: Stop! Stop it!
Audience stops clapping
Tyler: Keep going!
Audience and the children laugh.
Nailani: See what we were talking about.
Oprah: Hey guys
Tyler and Janet: Hey Oprah!
Oprah: I have not seen you both since 2010 when the movie came out.
Janet: Yup!
Tyler: Wow! I did know it was that long since we've been on the show.
Oprah: Yup! Now Janet I have a question for you.
Janet: Shoot!
Oprah: What is it like going from one child to 4, all within a year span.
Janet: It's a lot to adjust to. Like I went from having a small toddler to having a 15 year old, to not one but 2 ,13 year olds. Now that is a lot to adjust to. I had to figure out everyone's needs and wants and aspirations for life. It was quite easy, but with these damn attitudes of the girls that is what threw me off.
Oprah: I bet you have 3 teenage girls. It must be difficult.
Janet: It was at first, but now they know not to play with me or I'll pop their asses.
Oprah: Oh! Tyler how is it with 4 children?
Tyler: It's amazing. The love Jan and I share with one another is amazing, but with these 4 it's truly different. To know that you have 3 young girls and a young boy looking up to you, mimicking and watching your every move is amazing. The love we share I share with one child is unconditional, but to multiple that love by 4 is undesirable. Now don't get me wrong, It's never peaches and cream. With all the different attitudes and emotions, I be so ready to strangle them. But it's all worth while when I see them smile, laugh and joke with one another. Watching them hug, kiss, and protect each other is... it brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes.
Oprah: WOW! How about you Janet?
Janet: I hate it!
Nailani and the twins: Mommy!
Janet: Nah I'm just playing.
Eissa: *lip quivers* Mommy you hurt my feelings.
Janet: *picks him up* I'm sorry baby! Mommy didn't mean it, I was just playing. I love you all so much!❤️
Eissa: Okay
Janet: No, but seriously, it's amazing to have so much love all in one house. Now as Tyler says it's a lot with the attitudes, but it's all worth it watching them interact. But at the end of any day they are always in the bed with Tyler and I.
Aubrey: Aye Moms! Don't be saying I be all cuddled in the bed with y'all. You killing my gangsta, my friends are gonna be watching!
All: Laughs
Oprah: Now that Autumn brought that up, I would like to switch into our game. Is that fine with everyone?
Oprah: Our next segment is called "Paradise Perry"
Eissa: What is that?
Oprah: So I will be giving you all popsicles sticks with your family's faces in them. Then, I'll ask a question and you hold up the person's face who fits the description.
All: Got it!
Oprah: Loudest in the house.
All but Aubrey: *Holds up the stick* Aubrey!
Aubrey: What? Lani is the loudest in the house!
Nailani: Nah bruh! I get loud when necessary, YOU are just always loud.
Aubrey: True! You got that.
Oprah: Most spoiled in the house
Janet, Nailani, and the twins: *Holds up stick* Eissa
Tyler and Eissa: Aubrey.
Oprah: Care to explain.
Tyler: Aubs gets whatever she wants. Literally all Aubs has to do is stomp her foot and Jan rushes to get it, but we can't blame her because Miss Jackson is spoiled herself.
Janet*rolls eyes* Are you done?
Tyler: Yes.
Janet: So EISSA is most spoiled because he's the only boy. Therefore, he gets whatever he wants from me on down to Uncle Joey.
Tyler: Yea, she got us there buddy.
Oprah: Okay. Bossiest in the house.
Everyone: *Holds up sticks* Lani!
Nailani: Sorry I can't help it. For years I was the only child, so when these 3 came along I took the role of "Big Sister".
Oprah: Worst Attitude
Everyone: Aubrey!
Autumn: When something doesn't go Aubrey's way, she stomps around the house with an attitude.
Producer: *signals to wrap it up*
Oprah: Oh! It seems we have used up all the time for today.
Audience: Awwe!
Oprah: Well Perry Clan I had an amazing time with you all.
Eissa: We has a fun time with you too Auntie O!
Audience: Awwe!
Oprah: Well bye guys!
Everyone: waves
Producer: Cut!
Everyone is getting up to leave the studio and then suddenly Nailani drops.

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