Dinner Invitation - Peter

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"I'll be in there in a bit."

Peter raised his phone to let Ned know he had to make a call. Ned just nodded and proceeded to go into Ferguson's lab.

May had texted Peter to call her as soon as possible. His first thoughts were that something had gone wrong and she was in trouble.

After the first ring, she immediately picked up. "Oh, thank god, Peter."

"Aunt May? What's wrong?" He was already heading back down the hallway.

"I need cheesecake. You know, the one from that small place by your school?"

Peter stops in his tracks and pulls his phone away to stare at the screen. Did he hear her right? Then he slowly placed it back on his ear. "May. You can't just text me like that and not expect me to think the worst."

"Well, this is an emergency," she responded.

Peter squeezed his eyes shut. "Not the kind of emergency I was thinking about. Why do you need cheesecake?"

"For dessert! I'm making a big dinner this weekend and I want you and Ned to come. Rick will help me and hopefully you can finally-"

"Rick?" Peter interrupted her. "Rick who? Not Rick-from-the-library, Rick?"

"Yes, Rick-from-the-library. He offered to take me to dinner when I helped him pick out a book and well..."

Peter knew May wasn't going to stay alone forever. He even encouraged her to not feel guilty about meeting someone but she immediately shook her head at the idea and used her busy schedule as an excuse. Now she has met somebody who is going to help her cook dinner and she wants him to meet him.

Peter smiled.

"No, yeah, that's great, Aunt May. I'll make sure to let Ned know..." He heard footsteps coming towards him and he turned to face whoever it was only to be caught in full surprise.


"MJ?" May repeated. "I haven't heard that name in a long time," she laughed softly.

"Uh, no. MJ's here," Peter furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why in the hell she was here. Not that it bothered him- it was just random.

"Oh, really? Are you guys friends again? You should invite her to dinner with us! I would love to catch up. I think she used to have a small crush on y-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Peter muttered as MJ waved at him, Linda speed-walking next to her. "I'll bring the cheesecake, May. Bye. Love you."

He hung up and put his phone into his back pocket before he waved back at MJ. He stared as she approached him. She looked excited and giddy like she had just won the lottery.

"Hey, Parker."

"Hey, yourself," he replied as he laughed at Linda who practically waved her hand close to his face. "Hey, Linda. What are- What are you guys doing here? How did you find me?"

"It wasn't hard. We just asked around for a guy who wore oversized clothes and spent the majority of his day in a possible science building. Almost everyone knew right away who we were talking about," MJ laughed. Linda rolled her eyes but smiled, letting him know she was completely joking.

Peter chuckled, "I am very popular."

"Whatever. Where's Ned?" She asked while looking around.

Peter pointed to the door in front of them. "We're about to start on the thesis I told you about but I haven't seen Dr. Ferguson get yet. We can go in, I guess."

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