You're Not Alone

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A/N: So I kind of lied when I said there were a couple of chapter left before the fic was over but... this is it!

Writing the last sentence was kind of sad but satisfying, knowing that I got to finish a story that really had no stable plot when I first started it.
As a writer, it has been a great journey being able to share this with you all. Thank you for the kudos, the comments, and just taking time out of your day to read this.

This is the last one, enjoy!
-N xx

P.S. The notes at the end will have a few questions answered.



"I'm done."

MJ dropped the last opened box filled with styrofoam peanuts, making some jump out and float down to the floor. The room was filled with a couple more similar boxes. MJ slumped down on her new desk chair and turned her whole body to face the door as Linda walked in with a stack of oversized books covering her all the way up to her face. She placed them gently on the floor and then puffed out a breath.

"Explain to me again why Peter couldn't help us?"

"He has to attend the revealing. Which-" MJ glanced down at her watch, "I have to be at in two hours. I told him to get us a good view."

Linda groaned as she took a seat in front of MJ's new glass and silver desk. "I think this is a sign."

"That we shouldn't have quit the Daily Bugle and decide to create our own independent journalism organization?"

Linda scoffed and dismissed the question with a wave. "Are you kidding? It's the best and most daring thing I've ever done in my life. It felt so good to just be able to walk out that door. No, I meant, maybe this is a sign I should take Kristen's offer and actually join the gym."

They both laughed and sighed as they took a look around their new office building. It was much more modern than the old rickety walls that supported the Daily Bugle building. The furniture was simple and elegant; black and white decor with a splash of bright colors here and there made the whole environment more sophisticated. At least, that was the idea. They had started to unbox everything the day before and they weren't nearly done. Peter and Ned had helped them but today was kind of a big deal for Peter so MJ turned down his offer to help. Although, now she figured it would have done him good to be here and use it as a distraction.

Leaving the Bugle wasn't difficult. After the destruction inside Lotrek and the revelation of what they were making and distributing, Jameson had praised MJ, claiming he always had a gut feeling about the company. He expected MJ to run with the story and they did, using Linda's words, but instead of publishing with the Daily Bugle, they sold it to whoever offered the most and used the money to buy themselves a new office. MJ didn't care about the money. Letting Lotrek's little secret out into the world was satisfactory enough.

"We should just stop for the day. We have the rest of the week to put everything together and tidy up before we officially start hiring people," MJ suggested.

"I didn't think investigative journalism was an actual thing," Linda said.

"To be fair, journalism in general can be considered a type of investigation."

"I'm excited," Linda grinned at her. "We already have a lot of emails from lawyers and fancy people who are interested in what we have to say. There's this one firm - I can't remember their name - but one of the guys is blind but apparently has a great knack for criminal justice. Said they'd be willing to answer any questions and even defend us if it came to that."

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