Act one:Ara

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"We found them,my lord."one of the soldiers said . I couldn't stop thinking of how beautiful,ethereal and magical those black feather wings looked.

A husky voice snatched me away from my deep thoughts as I was dragged to the main hall and near the throne where was seated a man.The owner of those voice.

"On time as always,Ren.Now if you could,I would like you to leave us alone.Take all of the soldiers with you."

"Would be a pleasure,my lord."

I watched as the three of the guards left the hall and that left the two of us with the mysterious man and with three others.I glanced at my left to see the girls.They looked scared but we're trying to hide it.

"Ara look at me."I heard him again but this time the voice was louder and cunning. He was in my head now.I averted my gaze away from the girls and my breath hitched. I gulped as I stared at them.Those beautiful eyes.Dark as the night,mysterious as the man and a bit intriguing. He was staring at me too and I felt trapped in those gorgeous yet dangerous eyes.

"It's really you.I finally found you, Ara."I gasped as my name was repeated for a second time.How he knew my name.

"That's not important why I know your name now.We will talk but I think you need a break from all that happened. "He said again and I remained with my mouth slightly apart. He is in my mind of course he knows what I'm thinking about.

Then I felt dark surrounding me as I fell in someone's hands and blacked out.

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