Amara and Jin

22 3 0

The story of us.


I felt the sunlight lay it's warmth upon my body,a sunny and quite morning.I didn't open my eyes,wanted to stay like this, feeling warm and sleepy,under the sheets.I sighed as I relaxed, going to sleep a little bit more.

My sleep was ruined as I felt a big, gentle hands surround me from behind and taking me deep in a tight hug.I felt them draw circles on my hip as he shifted behind me.

I hummed from the calming feeling of him,next to me,side by side.He kissed slowly and featherly my bare shoulder, waking me up completely.After he kissed the way up to my neck, he stayed there breathing deeply.
I giggled as he played with my hair.

"Good morning, beautiful."Seokjin mumbled with a husky, morning voice.

"You didn't want me to sleep a bit more.How rude,I was exhausted from last night."I chuckled and he groaned, nipping at my earlobe.

"It's already afternoon Amy,I think you slept enough."He purred.

I scoffed but my mouth came into a big smile."Fine, whatever you want."I turned myself around, looking at him as my hands came to rest on his broad chest.

He smiled at me.Hair like the night sky, ruffled and messy from sleep.His handsome face puffy due to the oversleeping.

Jin leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead,then at my cheek and lastly on my lips.

He brushed his lips to mine, tasting,and in a heartbeat I felt the softness fully sucking on my lower lip.

He didn't took the morning kiss further because last night was enough for him.Now he just showed affection and I appreciated it.

He pulled slowly away, looking deep in my eyes.

He smirked.

"My mark glows so lovely on you."His eyes sparked as he glanced at my arm.His fingers touched my hand,he held tight what was his.He held his one,his mate,his lover.

His lips twitched at the corners and he again gaze at me.

"Show me."I said and he immidiatly understood.

My mate's eyes turned to their true color and at the same time our tattoos glowed the same color.

His tattoo, starting from behind his ear and going down to his shoulder,was shining in a dark color.Mine was a mess.Glowing at three different kinds of colors.The sign of us two.

My eyes switched to the grayish tint we both knew already so well and his eyes glowed in two pieces.

One light turquoise and one completely black with a little, gentle fire burning in it.

Two completely different eyes but connected in one soul.

He was one of a kind,a rare child born from a bond between an angel and a demon.A powerful boy from a powerful couple,he had all of their features and powers brought into one.

He was a half demon and a half angel.One of his eyes glowed lights like the sun and sky and the other one was in a complete darkness,the darkness from hell.

Everytime I saw them,I knew that I wouldn't want nothing and no one unless it's him, because he was special and the strong connection that had brought us together was the thing i have once wished for.

It wasn't easy but now he is my everything.

I traced his shoulder with the tattoo on it and he sighed.I looked at him as my eyes became more strong and went down to kiss his shoulder.

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