Chapter 6

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"When I first met Cotton or Matthew as he was called, I was about 8 years old. My father and I was out for a walk when-." "You never did tell me about your family." Martha interrupted. "One story at a time, please," I said, holding up my hand. "At least tell me how many family members you have," She stated. "3 siblings and my 2 parents," I said. "Anyways, we were out for a walk when we saw a crowd gathering around something....

I ran over to see what was going on. That was when I first met Cotton. He was drunk and staggering around everywhere. My father pulled me back and said, "let's go, honey. I don't want you getting hurt" I followed my Dad for a little bit, then I saw the officials coming in his direction. I told my Dad to stop. "We have to help him, Dad! Who knows what they are going to do to him... Please, Dad!" I said, grabbing his arm. My Dad glanced at Cotton and then back and me. He grunted and headed over to where Cotton was. He grabbed him by the arm and started leading him to where we were. "Let's go home and sober him up," My Dad said, walking ahead of me. I smiled and started walking.

By the time we reached the house, Cotton had told me many stories of the sea and what it was like to sail around the world. I was awestruck. My Dad told me that they were just stories his head had made up since he had too much drink. But I could tell that all that he said was true. We entered the house, and my Mother nearly dropped the cake she was making. "who is that?" She asked my Dad. "We found him out staggering around. The officials were coming after him. Roxanne practically begged for me to help him, and so I did, and here we are," my Dad said, looking down at me. I smiled at my Mother. My Mother's expression slowly softened, and she sighed. "Well, first, we have to get him cleaned up and dressed properly." She turned to my Dad. "Could you do that?" My Dad nodded.

About an hour or two later, my Dad came out with Cotton following behind him. He didn't have dirt on him anymore, and he had on new clothes. His brown hair (he was younger, so his hair was brown) was not combed, but it was clean. He smiled at me and said, "Are you the little lady that I heard about? The one that convinced her Dad to help me out?" I nodded. "Yes, sir, that was me." "Well then, I thank you, and I'm sorry ma'am that my first impression wasn't very appropriate," He said, turning towards my Mother. She nodded. "It's quite fine. Now would you like to join us for dinner... I'm sorry, but I don't seem to know your name." "Matthew," He said.

And the rest is history," I said, finishing my story. "Well, that wasn't as interesting as I thought," Martha complained. "What do you mean?" I asked. "How did you lose him? You said something about him being taken away, and it is all your fault," she said, confused. "Oh yeah. We were out walking around the town. I was about 19 years old, and he was telling me about the latest trip he had gone on. You see, he still went on sailing trips, and sometimes he would take me with him. As we were walking, I saw a child try to take an apple from a cart. The man who owned the cart grabbed her arm.

I knew what was going to happen, so I ran up to help her (the child). I grabbed the man's other hand, which he planned to hit the child with. "Not going to happen, buddy," He scowled at me. "This child needs to learn her lesson. Pain is the best way to do that." I opened my mouth to reply, but Cotton interrupted me before I could. "Well, then you won't mind this." Before I could stop him her swung his arm back and brought it back, hitting the man square on the jaw. The man let go of the little girl. I quickly grabbed an apple and gave it to her. "Hurry now," I said, pushing her away.

At this point, a crowd had gathered. "Matthew, we have to go," I said, grabbing his arm and trying to pull him back. He looked over at me and smiled at my attempt to hold him back. "You should know by now that you can't hold me back." He said. I panicked "the officials are coming. If they see you in a fight, they will send you away or worse. You've already had 5 warnings, and you're only supposed to have 3. In case you haven't noticed, being drunk in the streets, getting into fights, stealing, and taunting public officials are against the law, Matthew!" I screeched, pulling him back step by step. He sighed, "you're right, Roxy, let's go." I sighed in relief as he followed behind me. "Stop in the name of the law!" I heard 2 officials say behind me.

"Run, Matthew! I'll distract them." I called, turning to face the officials. I saw Matthew start to sneak away out of the corner of my eye. "Good morning, gentlemen. Isn't it a fine morning today?" I asked, smiling at them innocently. "We're not falling for that again." He smirked. "We have back up," I gasped and turned to see 2 officials grabbing Matthew. "Matthew, no!" I yelled, trying to reach him, but the 2 officials held me back. "It's alright, Roxy, don't worry about me. I'll be fine" He smiled as the officer pulled him out of sight.

That is how I lost my best friend," I finished with a flourish. "Wow, you've had a very "eventful life," Martha said. I nodded "yeah, that's not even the worst of it." I said, looking down. "What does that mean?" Martha asked. I looked up "that is a story for another time," I said. I heard shuffling above the deck. "Tell me about that man you were talking to," I said with a smirk. "Well... His name is Jacob Kipling. And he has been part of the crew for a year or two. He is 2 years older than me, and he is quite the gentlemen... For being a pirate at least." She finished. I smiled "it seems like you really like him." I said, noticing the way her eyes lit up when she talks about him. She nodded "I do. He is everything I have ever wanted in a man" I chuckled. "We should probably go on deck now. I said, getting up. She nodded "yeah, let's go." We both headed for the door. When we started to climb the stairs, I remembered something I had to tell Martha. "Just remember to tell him that you have a very protective best friend ready to defend you if he breaks your heart" She turned back and laughed. "I will," and then she opened the door.

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