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Let's see if this brand can beat Insanity...

Backstage, I was on the phone with PGV

Me: Look, Prudencio. You should know better than me that being both Founder and GM is hard shit.

Prudencio (Through the phone): Understandable.

Suddenly a referee ran up to me.

Me: I'll call you back later bud. *hangs up and turns to the referee* what?

Referee: There has been an incident in the Parking Lot, sir! Someone has ambushed Ace Bunny!


I then rushed to the parking lot, to see The Loonatics, and some members of the Non-stop Roster surrounding Ace who was on the floor, clutching the back of his head.

Me: Ace! What the hell happened!? *turns to The Loonatics* Did any of you see what happened?

Tech: No. We found him like this.

Lexi: From what Ace told us, he only remembers that 3 guys jumped him.

I then kneel down to the barely conscious Ace.

Me: Did you see their faces?

Ace: I... C-Couldn't... They were masked... ugh...

Me: *Stands up* Okay, call the medics, get some help, we need to do something about this.


The opening pyro goes off in BC Place, and the cameras pan around as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: Vancouver looking as hot as ever after an episode of Insanity, but now, we are gonna kick it into full throttle, and go all night, Non-Stop! Good evening everyone, I'm Mauro Ranallo, and alongside me is Mike Tenay, and Don West!

Mike Tenay: And what a way to start the night, we just witnessed the aftermath of what looks to be a planned ambush on Ace Bunny, and Chard, our GM and CEW Founder is gonna get to the bottom of this!

Don: Well hopefully we do get to the bottom of this.

Mauro: Speaking if the devil, here he comes right now!

Out I come, and I was not pleased.

Mike Tenay: Looks like Chard had something planned with The Loonatics.

Don: Well for those who follow the Google+ Community will know that it was originally gonna be L.A.X vs. Ace and Tech, now I think he'll either find an alternate team, or stop this whole thing altogether.

I enter the ring, and I pace around the ring, deep in my thoughts about the situation.

I then begin to speak.

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