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Episode 1 was great, let's see what Episode 2 has in store...

The opening pyro goes off in the L.A Live Complex in Los Angeles, and Mauro Ranallo speaks as the camera pans around.

Mauro: Los Angeles looks alive and well as always, and tonight, we're gonna witness some non-stop action! Good evening everyone, I'm Mauro Ranallo, and alongside me is Mike Tenay, and Don West!

Mike Tenay: This Episode will surely be just as memorable as Episode one!

Don: Oh yeah, Mike! Tonight we have a...

Out came Flash Sentry and Bart Simpson, with The YOLO Twins and The Metro Brothers behind them.

Mike Tenay: What the hell is this?

Don: I was gonna say we have a show filled with action, and I guess we're starting with these guys!

Mauro: And for those wondering, Flash and Bart wen to the Insanity brand to recruit these guys, and as you can clearly see, they took that opportunity!

The 4 Tag Teams entered the ring, and Flash Sentry handed a mic to Bart, then got one for himself.

Flash: Well, well, well! Take a gander at THIS!

He motions to all the rest of the faction.

Flash: THIS right here is the future of CEW!

Bart: And with an upgrade in numbers, will come in a upgrade in change!

Flash: Here in CEW, The Network, The YOLO Twins and The Metro Brothers combine to create...

Flash and Bart: THE MILE HIGH CREW!

Bart: And CEW will NEVER be the same again with US running Non-Stop! And there isn't a damn thing anyone can say or do about it!

Then Yohann steps up. But just as he was about to speak...

Out comes Pacifica and The Queen Bees, mica in hand.

Mauro: Looks like the newly formed Mile High Crew just got company!

Mike Tenay: Now I'm not sure what their business out here is, but whatever it is, it better be a good reason.

Pacifica steps forward, but before she spoke, she looked at the crowd as they booed them.

Pacifica: Umm... are you sure you're the future?

Bart: Pretty sure, honey. Says so on our business cards.

Bart and Flash then pulled out ACTUAL business cards, which had their names and "Future of CEW" written on them.

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