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We have seen the post Victory Road show for Insanity...

Here's Non-stop's Post Victory Road show!


The opening pyro goes off in the Barclays Center.

Then the camera pans around as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: After what has went down in Victory Road, Non-stop is surely gonna be a roller coaster of emotions! Hello everyone, I'm Mauro Ranallo, alongside Mike Tenay, and Don West!

Mike Tenay: In case you missed out, let's catch you up to speed. In Victory Road, it was revealed that Joe Hendry was the ringleader of of Ace Bunny's attack, and thus forming an army to fight against The Loonatics, and The Metro Brothers of the Mile High Crew may have bit off more than they can chew, because they will be facing Heather and one of the members of the Queen Bees, in a Loser Leaves match!

Don: Well for sure, one of them is gonna leave Non-stop, and-

Don: What the?

Once the song hit, out came Joe Hendry, with Ken Warren and Travis Banks behind him.

Mike Tenay: Oh. It's these guys.

Mauro: It was the first big mystery in CEW history when Ace Bunny was found beaten nearly to death in the parking lot, and when Travis Banks was revealed to be one of the attackers, we thought Banks was the leader of it all!

Mike Tenay: Then at Victory Road, just as Hendry was about to reveal the rest of the masked men, Ken Warren soon revealed himself to be one of the attackers! Then moments later, the big reveal came, and the whole world was shocked when Hendry was revealed to be the ringleader of the attack.

Soon the trio of Hendry, Banks, and Warren entered the ring.

Don: Look into those eyes of Hendry! He isn't sorry for what he did! He nearly ended Ace's career before it even began! He is utterly remorseless!

The crowd boos loudly as the three men grabbed mics.

Travis Banks was the first to speak.

Travis: You know, for the longest time, I never gave a reason why we did what we did 6 Episodes ago, so I think it's about time that I, no WE give our reason.

Ken Warren steps forward.

Ken: When news broke out that The Loonatics were coming to Non-stop, everyone was going crazy for them, even the same guy who founded this place was crazy for it! All we did, was stop The Loonatics, before they became CEW's incurable cancer.

And finally, Joe Hendry stepped forward.

Joe: Ace Bunny, did you really think I was gonna let you, and your group of freaks take all the glory while guys like us, are being overlooked? No! Was I just gonna stand in the sidelines, and let you and your girlfriend get opportunities that I should be getting? No! So what I did, was get these guys here, and take you out before you even get started!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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