chapter 2 by princessdeath05

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Still Dan's POV

I have woken up to the worse sound ever... My alarm clock. Honestly whoever invented that god forsaken thing should be hung! I eventually crawled out of bed to turn it off and get ready for yet another hellish day at college. I went to check my hair in the mirror when i noticed the bruise on my cheek. I couldn't help sighing at it and thinking that i would just have to cope with it.

School was actually worse than i thought it would be. The name calling had gotten worse to the point where i couldn't even repeat them. The pushing around had gotten more frequent. My lecturers didn't even care anymore. They were sick of trying to help me. I honestly thought that they didn't want to teach anyone that was gay.

By the time i got home. I felt worthless. Maybe dad is right, maybe i am a worthless piece of shit.

I just went straight upstairs to my room and logged into Skype, just like i promised Phil. Once i was completely logged in i got a call. At least someone wants to talk to me.

"Hi Phil" i said while trying to sound happy. How could you be happy if you had a day like mine?

"Oh my god. Your cheek? Did he really do that?" Phil asked sounding shocked

"Its fine" i sighed... It really wasn't fine but i don't want him to know that.

"Dan, that is not fine. You should put up with him doing that" he nearly shouted. Does someone actually care about me?

"I do. Phil i have no where else to go... No one wants me" i said and i could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"I sure someone wants you. You are a great person Dan, and you don't have to put up with it. Its your life" he smiled. Maybe he has a point, just maybe. I don't want to get my hopes up.

"i know" i sighed. Yeah... I sigh a lot.

"so. Why is your life your life annoying?" he asked sounding concerned.

"I can't say" i whispered

"Please" he said while giving me the puppy dog face

"Phil, i just can't" i reasoned

"Ok. Let's just talk" he smiled.

And that what we did. We spoke to each other for a good few hours. We even arranged to meet up next Friday because i'm not at college. But until then i just have to talk to him on Skype. And who knows maybe. I will actually have someone who will be there for me and actually like me for who i am. And not hate me because i'm gay.

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