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I could tell that she was reading the note a few times trying to make sense of it.
"Is this some kind of dumb joke?" She asked herself and put the paper down.
She left to go to her bookcase and started flipping through a book. I grabbed a notebook and squeezed my finger to let the blood come out quicker. I wrote on a page and dropped it by Lucinda's feet.
She immediately noticed and read it out loud again, "I assure you, this is NOT a prank"
She looked around again, flipped through her book a little longer, got her wand out and chanted some kind of spell, "Magisprixium, magisprixium embenda kolinka magisprixium!"
I felt a cold chill wash over me.
"Zane, write me another note," she said calmly.
I quickly wrote in my blood again, "can you get me back in my body?"
She read it and held her hand over the bloody page mumbling something to herself.
"Irene, this is bad!" She started to yell, "This is very, very bad!"
I wrote a question mark in my blood and let her read the paper.
"Ok, witches aren't supposed to really talk about it and stuff but seeing as you're in this situation you should probably know. There are numerous world's out there, besides our own. There's this one where everything is in shambles and such. It's not even suppised to be a world, it was a different timeline that managed to survive but only for the residents their." She sighed before speaking again, "Long ago, there was an easier way to hop from world to world, our world and that Zane's world to be specific. We were allies for awhile and most people were best friends with themselves from the other world. But something happened, something bad. There was a war that lasted several years between the worlds. A lot of people were killed. I know you were apart of the war then. You must've done something when you were in the war to him that he did not like and wanted vengeance for it. In order to achieve that he would have to wait hundreds of years still hating your guts and remembering every second of the event to have a 10% chance of hopping through to our world, seeing as we won the war and closed the easy access here."
I scribbled the message, "How could that have happened hundreds of years ago? And even if it did, how would I not be able to remember it yet you do" on a piece of paper and let it drift to her feet.
"Well after the war, the world went and reset, but this time it went back to the date we first made contact with the other world and continued from there, but this time without everyone knowing about the other world. However, it was only our world that reset and everyone there was stuck in time, and they remember everything. Other than that, witches from this world are the only ones that remember any of it," she was clearly uncomfortable talking about this.
I was about to ask her one last question before a knock on the door sounded through the house followed by my voice.



It's been months since I last updated...


Anyways guess what this weekend has in stored for me!

A project in science where I have to make a maze inside of a shoebox due tuesday, an art contest, a contest where I have to make a video which I still need to make a voiceover for and edit it, a history outline which I frickin hate, a math problem, a friend's birthday party when I already have so much to work on, I'm also trying to update on wattpad and have some free time, plus I have field hockey tryouts starting Tuesday with a new coach because the one from the previous years has some sort of health issue so the new coach might not know where I play the best on the field.

All of this, and I only started school Wednesday, August 29th.

Yeah, thanks for giving me a project to do in 4 days! I really needed that!
I don't think I'll ever look at mazes the same way evver again!

Anyways, see ya shafow fans later,

Trapped Behind Him: A Zane~Chan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now