Planning and Explaining

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Y'know what, all this is getting boring. Let's speed things up a bit.

~A month and a half later~

Your POV
I look at everyone around me. Slenderman called everyone into the living room for a meeting. He said it was 'very important' and it was needed that everyone should be there. And that's what happened. Everyone is sitting in the living room. Some sitting on the couch, on the floor, floating, standing, or sitting on peoples laps. "I called you all here today because next month Toxic, Daichi, and Tsuki will be going back to Zalgo's realm and explaining what needs to be done. For those who don't know yet, I'm looking to form an alliance with Zalgo." He says, people gasp, some talking out of turn. Slenderman puts his hands up, everyone shuts up. Everyone's eyes are on Daichi, Tsuki, and me. I look at Daichi and Tsuki with a slightly nervous look. I didn't even know we were going to confront Zalgo next month. "Before anyone makes any harsh assumptions. No, they will not betray us. Yes, I'm sure of that. Any questions?" He asks, Puppeteer's hand goes up. "Why do we need to form an alliance anyway?" He asks with suspicion in his voice. "Yeah!" Jeff says, soon people are yelling.

Slenderman sighs. "ENOUGH!" He  yells. Everyone jumps and shuts up, not wanting to anger Slenderman anymore. He nods. "Good. Just in case things go south, we all have to be ready. So all of you will start training and getting to your best form possible until next month. We cannot risk anything, I don't want anyone slacking off and taking all this as a joke. This is very serious and if all goes wrong then we'll be in terrible danger. Got it?" Slenderman says to everyone.

The room is silent, I can practically feel everyone's thoughts, making the room feel stuffy. Or maybe it's just the body heat and intense body odor coming from everyone.

Slenderman nods and put his arms behind his back. "Very well. If any of you have any questions you may visit me. You all are dismissed." He says. People start walking away, some with thoughts piling in their head, some just not thinking at all.

I'm one of the people with thoughts piling in my head.

'What if everything does go wrong? What if Zalgo kills me on sight? What if he knew all along?'

Thoughts race my mind as I freak out internally, keeping a straight face on the outside. A hand places on my shoulder. I look up and see Slenderman standing above me. "Don't worry, my child. All will go well, if not, then we will have everything covered." He says softly, probably not wanting anyone to hear him be nice. I smile at him softly. "Yeah, thanks." I mumble to him. He nods and walks away.

Fear still circles me. Zalgo is known to be a heartless monster to all, probably the least understanding person I've met yet, things can either go right, go wrong, or incredibly wrong, either way, I'm not ready.

I sigh and stand up from the couch. Daichi and Tsuki are already gone to who knows where. I walk into the kitchen and grab a beer out of the fridge. I pop the bottle open and sit on the stool by the island in the middle of the kitchen. Unaware of the footsteps behind me.

Someone taps my shoulder, I turn around and see my dad, Marionette. I smile slightly. "Hey dad." I say to him, drinking some beer. He nods and sits on the stool next to me. "Hello, my child. How's life been?" He asks me, I sigh and shrug. "Stressful." I say, breathlessly.

He nods and looks away. "You know, we all missed you. We thought Zalgo had took you. We tried to stay you back, it obviously didn't work. But it did eventually, right?" He says, looking towards me again with a smile. I look away, remembering the day I ran away. "He didn't take me..." I say silently.

"What?" He says, shocked. "I said he didn't take me." I say, louder this time. The room fills with silence for a few moments before my dad starts speaking again. "Why did you leave? You had everything you could ever want here..." He says with a sad tone. "I didn't feel safe here anymore, I didn't trust anyone here anymore." I say, tearing up and memories of my realistic dream coming back to me. "You...didn't feel safe...?" He says, his voice getting softer. I nod, finishing my beer and slamming the bottle down, almost breaking it.

"See you later." I say, walking out of the room in a fast pace to prevent anyone from seeing me cry.

I suddenly get pushed against the wall harshly as the air gets knocked out of me. Someone traps me with their arms, preventing me from escaping. "I heard the whole thing." A voice growls. I look up and see Jeff, his raven black hair covering his eyes. "I-." I start to say, I get cut off by Jeff's hand clasping against my neck, preventing me from breathing.

"Don't you fuck us up when you talk to Zalgo. If you do I promise I'll personally gut you clean, scrape your insides and force them down your throat, tying your limp legs to a tree and letting you bleed out. I never break promises either." He says harshly, letting my neck go as my face starts to turn blue. I fall to the ground and gasp for air.

Jeff walks away, leaving me in shambles on the floor, weeping. No one to help me, no one to turn to.

After a while I stand back up and walk to my room slowly like a zombie. I finally reach my room and see a letter by the door. I pick the letter up, walking into my room and locking my door.

I throw the letter on my nightstand and crash onto my bed, laying there for a couple moments before falling asleep.


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