Chapter Five- Casey

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Chapter Five- Casey

I went straight at the back of the guy’s head with my right fist, then spun him around while he was still trying to figure out what was going on. He was a foot taller than me, and not weak, but my surprise attack had thrown him off-balance. Despite my labored breath from sprinting down the block, I managed to shove him against the side of the building and then kicked him where the sun don’t shine. (At least I hope it doesn’t shine there ever. He seemed like a big enough dick without taking his pants off.) The bastard let out this really high-pitched moan and clutched his crotch, almost falling over. It didn’t last long, though, so I decided to go for it a couple more times. Nah, I’d do three more. He deserved it.

It wasn’t long before I had completely incapacitated the man. He just lay wheezing on the ground, and I stood, wheezing, over him. Funny how men’s weakest spot is the thing they claim makes them stronger than women.

Whipping back around, I remembered Adrienne. She leant against a sedan, head resting and arms splayed out on top as though she had been thrown onto the car when I pulled around the douche who tried to take her home. I tried to pull her off, and she was limp in my arms. I felt like I needed to freak out- what did he do to her?!- but I didn’t have the time. Glancing back, I checked the man. He was still on the ground, but I didn’t want to take any chances, so I basically dragged Adrienne back around the corner before propping her up against the outside wall of a restaurant. This was safer on a few counts, mainly because there was actually traffic on this street.

“Hey. Hey.” I whispered, looking up at Adrienne and tucking a long blonde curl out of her face and behind her ear. “Hey!” Her eyes fluttered a bit, so I shook her shoulders. Still, she only cracked them a little. “Adri. Adri, can you hear me?” She nodded weakly. “‘Kay, I need you to keep breathing, and stay calm, alright?” Another nod. “Brix is coming, with her car. Really soon.” Turning away but keeping her up against the wall, I watched for Brix and the assaulter.

“I caaaaa drive,” Adrienne mumbled, startling me.


“I didnndrink,” she slurred in a stupor. “Landon. Iiiiii can driive.”

“Listen, I trust that you didn’t, but you’re still completely inebriated.” She opened her eyes slightly to try and give me that pointed look she always shoots me when I use a big word. I sighed. “You seem really wasted.” Adrienne shook her head gently, but just then, a dorky silver minivan pulled up next to the row of parked cars at the stoplight. Its side door slid open. “C’mon,” I said, leading her forward. “Our ride’s here.”


“Nice getaway car,” I remarked to Brix as I finally plopped down and my breath caught up to me.

“Shut up, Case,” she groaned, pulling through the green light and turning right at the next block. “You know it’s my mom’s.”

“Mrs. Creighton’s got a mad ride,” I muttered as she turned onto the entrance to the freeway. I buckled myself in and Brix looked at me in the rear-view mirror like she thought I was being ridiculous. I just shrugged, and she laughed.

“Vroom vroom, motherfuckahs.” She nodded coolly as she accelerated. Her smile faded pretty fast, though, as she caught a glimpse of Adrienne slung across the seat next to me. “Oh my god, what happened to Addy?”

I winced, and suddenly my haze of superhero glory shattered. It was like I’d been in panic mode before, and I had felt strangely unstoppable. It started as I wandered back into the club after she’d kissed me, dazed and confused, only to see her slip out the door. Following, I saw from the door the guy walking up behind her and trying to chat her up, despite her resistance. That’s when ninja mode kicked in, just as Brix walked up next to me. “Get the car and meet at the corner,” I told her, and then sprinted for dear life as though I had nothing to lose. That invincibility disintegrated quickly now, though, as I finally surveyed the damage. I had basically had to throw Adri into the minivan as the guy I kicked finally stood up and rounded the corner. Now she lay haphazardly against the window, seemingly unconscious, her chest rising and falling in slow drags.

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