Chapter Eight- Adrienne

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 Chapter Eight- Adrienne

        “Here you go,” Casey said, smiling politely as she handed me the dress.

        “Thanks.” I nodded. Neither of us moved. She looked up at me through her ruffled hair, some of which was strewn lopsidedly over her forehead. I stared back. I didn’t know what to do. A long, tense silence hung between us until Case snapped it in half.

        “Do I have something on my face?”


        “You’re staring at me, is there something on my- oh my god, the eyeliner!” She stumbled around past me in a panic, pulling open various drawers and frantically rummaging around inside of them. “I never took off the eyeliner! I don’t have remover… Oh shit, my mother’s gonna see.”

        “You just swore,” I marveled, mostly to myself. “You never swear.”

        Landon looked up at me as though I had just told her in all seriousness that I wanted to marry a pelican and start my own civilization on a previously-uninhabited Polynesian island. “Yeah, of course I just swore! My mother is going to see me in eyeliner!! She’s gonna think I like makeup!” She ran a hand through her hair and leaned back against the door. “This is definitely a swearing matter.”

        “So you’re telling me,” I said dryly, smirking, “that you wear rainbow gay pride bracelets around your mother, but you won’t let her catch you wearing eyeliner?” Case blinked up at me.

        “Um, yeah!”

        “You’re absolutely ridiculous,” I replied. Landon just shook her head at me. “Do you have my bag, by any chance?”

        “Oh! Yeah, I texted Anna and she grabbed it on her way out of the club…” The short girl opened the door and stepped out, pulling my purse off the top of her desk. “Here.” She passed it to me and slipped back into the bathroom as I set my dress down outside, closing the door.

        “C’mere.” I motioned her over to the counter in front of me, and retrieved a pack of makeup remover wipes out of the black bag. Dropping the purse on the floor next to me, I ripped open the plastic seal, pulling out a wipe. I leaned in close to Case’s face, using my hand on the counter to prop myself up. She closed her eyes and, slowly and gently, I used a folded edge of the towelette to wipe up the inky smears of blue. Her breath felt soft and warm against my cheek, and I swear she leaned a little towards me. Our lips were only a few inches apart.

        Could I? Yes. Would I? Yes. Should I? That was another question entirely.

        “Adrienne?” Casey asked delicately, eyes still shut.


        “Why did you stop wiping?” I realized that my hand had stilled, the side of it laying gently against her cheek. I didn’t know how to answer: I didn’t really have a good reason.

        “Why do you think?”

        “Is all the makeup gone?”

        “Care to take another guess?” I leaned in a little closer. I couldn’t help myself.

        “Actually, can I ask you something else?”

        “And what would that be?” Are you going to ask why I’m pressed up against you? Please, don’t ask that.

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