Chapter Four- Adrienne

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Chapter Four- Adrienne

TRIGGER WARNING for: drugging, attempted rape mention (nothing graphic)

I finally picked this piece back up again! Please comment and let me know what you think! -Scarlett

I pushed into the kiss, forcing Casey back against the brick wall. She seemed to melt under my touch as I dug my hands into her hair. Slowly and uncertainly, she gingerly placed her hands around my waist, blatantly in shock. Dance music echoed in the background, along with the raw-throated singing of teenage girls, but I was in another world. All I could feel was her, her in all her awkwardness, her in all her adorableness, her in all her cute, geeky, lesbian-- FUCK. I pushed Casey back off and towards the wall as I backed away, hand over my mouth. She stumbled backwards, opening her eyes wide and staring at me alarmedly. The wall stood as the only thing keeping the slackjawed girl propped upright. Her knees began to fold out from under her. Holy shit, holy shit, holy fucking shit. What the fuck did you just--

“I…” Casey started.

“I am so sorry, Landon, I really-” Oh, god, I’m choking up. I turned away from her and sped back towards the door. “I really am sorry.”

I ran back into the nightclub, falling out of the hallway and into the horde of dancers. Lights were flashing, everything was swirling, and I couldn’t breathe. I saw my virgin mojito on the end table where I’d left it, grabbed it, and took a long swig to get things back straight. Setting it back down and pushing my way through the crowd, I didn’t know what I needed, but I knew that it was outside. Someone began grinding up against my butt, and I whirled around, ready to rip their throat out and fall into their arms at the same time. Instead of another strange guy, though, I was met with a familiar mass of ginger curls. Brix turned around just after I did. “Holy shit, Addy? Are you okay?” I put my hand over my mouth, turned, and ran. “ADDY!” I didn’t look back.

I stumbled past the bouncer,looked both ways down the block, and ran. It wasn’t supposed to be a run at first, it was just supposed to be moving, but I just kept speeding up. By the time I reached the end of the block, I was sprinting, scraping my bare feet on the rough, wet concrete. Red hand at the crosswalk. Shit. I stopped for breath, slumping against the pole and jabbing at the button. My stomach churned. I flinched instinctively. Someone was behind me. “Um, Adrienne?” It was the tall guy from the nightclub, the one who had kissed me. He sounded unsure about my name.

“Yeah?” I didn’t bother to look at him.

“Are you okay? You don’t look so good.”

“Yeah, I’m-” things were starting to blur. “I think I’m okay.” I felt light-headed, out of body. I closed my eyes, trying to regain stability, trying to breathe.

“You sure? ‘Cause I could take you back to my place if you can’t drive.”

“No, I didn’t- nooooooo alcoholll.” And my friends can drive me. Words weren’t really working. How did he know I couldn’t drive?

“You really aren’t okay. Here, I can help you.” He grabbed my arm, pulling me off the pole and towards him. I wanted to pull away, I really did. My muscles just weren’t cooperating. Holy shit, am I drunk?! I tried stepping away and he tugged a little harder.

“I’ve got…” My words slurred into one another.

“I’ve got you, I’ll take you back to my place. Don’t worry, darling.” Groaning in protest, I leaned against him, going limp as he pulled me down onto the small sidestreet. I could feel his hand creep down towards my butt. “You really don’t have to worry, babe. Your parents won’t know- nobody will know. You can just stay the night, my car’s right around the--”

“YAHHHHHH!!” A scream came from behind us. I don’t remember what happened after that.

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