The Moving Forward

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The Moving Forward

Life has been very predictable and boring for the past few weeks. Having the same routine every morning, every afternoon, and every evening can be very tedious but I like it that way. I like knowing what to do, what to say and what to think. I like control over things and having schedules every day.

Tomorrow is our graduation day and I am very excited to finally get out of high school. Even though my experience in high school was not that memorable, in fact it was a bit traumatizing, I am still grateful to experience it anyway. At least I know how people honestly see me and what I stand in this world for.

I had always been the smart one, never been anything else. But I guess I won’t have it any other way because I am proudly graduating as our class valedictorian. Those days spent on studying and reading books finally paid off. For once, I have an achievement that I can scream to the heavens and brag to the whole world about.

I am currently lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling and listening to my favorite playlist. This is what I normally do during my relaxation time. Today is a lazy day for me since tomorrow would be graduation.

I was in the middle of singing an Ingrid Michealson song when my phone starts ringing. “Hello?” I answer.

“It’s over,” Mischa’s bummed out voice greets me from the other end.

“What’s over?”

“Josh and I,” she states like it is the most obvious thing in the world.

Wow, that was fast. It’s has been a couple of weeks since they started dating. I remember her ramble on and on about how sweet Josh was or how awesome there dates had been. So what went wrong?

“Why? What happened?”

“He broke it off. Said even though hanging out with me was fun, we lack connection. Better stay as friends,” she sounds kinda sad but she’ll survive.

“How do you feel about it?”

“Of course I’m disappointed. Josh is a great guy. He is the perfect boyfriend. He’s smart and sweet, don’t forget very handsome. He’s also funny and charming. I mean, what girl doesn’t want that?” I can imagine her looking up and flailing her arms like a mad woman to show her frustration. “It just sucks that it didn’t work out. But he’s kinda right. We don’t have connection. There’s no spark.”

I’m not actually good with this whole dating scene. As everybody knows, I haven’t dated a single organism in this world. Blame being in an all-girls school my entire life and let’s not forget everything that went wrong with my appearance. But I do know one thing, you date someone so you can find ‘The One’.

You see, the whole dating scene is like going swimming; you test the waters first before jumping into the water. You get to know each other and hangout before going in a relationship.

It may sound easy but things are a lot more complicated. People have been hurt, scarred and broken. And luckily for me, I haven’t experienced those kinds of emotional pain.

“Well, isn’t that a good thing? He was right to break it off. You can move on and find another guy, maybe you’ll get lucky.” Honestly, I don’t know what to advise her during these moments. We had been in this situation countless times but I never learned what to say.

“I think so…,” she sighs in defeat. “I’ll miss hanging out with him though.”

“I’m sure you can still be friends. He sounds like a nice guy. Good thing he is not one of those douchebags who’ll dump you for a stupid reason or none at all.”

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