When it All Feels So Big

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It was a February day

When your dad came by, before going away.

Peter wasn't supposed to stay with them for long. His parents dropped him off at May and Ben's, gave him a kiss on the forehead, and head out for a 'business trip.' May still remembered their final exchange to each other.

Mary had given Peter a kiss on the cheek and ran the pad of her thumb over where she left a lipstick mark. "Bye, honey. I'll see you in a little bit, okay? Be good for your aunt and uncle."

Peter had smiled widely, showing the gaps between his teeth. "I will!"

Richard had ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead. They had shared a family hug. Then, Richard wrapped his arm around Mary's waist, waved goodbye to the three, and left.

They had fun on the weekend. Ben taught Peter chess, helped him with his homework, and cooked him meals, while May played board games with him and took him with her on her errands. It seemed every moment Peter had something to say, constantly babbling and tripping over his words trying to get his sentences out. They both found it endearing. There was never a dull moment with Peter Parker.

Unfortunately, the weekend ended, and the police were at their door.

May gave Ben a nervous glance as she opened the door and saw the officers staring at her. Ben immediately moved deeper into the apartment, and May assumed he was going to comfort Peter.

"Hello, ma'am, is this the apartment of Ben and May Parker?"

May nodded and ignored the way her stomach twisted. "Yes, officers. Is there a problem?"

And that's when her life changed. When they told her Mary and Richard were in a plane crash. They didn't make it. Ben was suddenly brother-less, Peter was suddenly an orphan, and May was suddenly his legal guardian. It all happened so fast, yet it felt like forever. May didn't miss the way Ben's eyes glistened when he heard the news. She pulled him into a hug and rubbed circles into his back as he cried.

"Aunt May? Uncle Ben? What's wrong?" she heard Peter say. She jolted up and saw Peter staring worriedly at them from the door. He held his stuffed monkey to his chest and his large brown eyes darted from May to Ben.

"Peter..." Ben whispered, rubbing at his eyes. Peter jumped up onto the bed and Ben pulled him into his lap, rocking him gently.

"Pete... your parents... I'm so sorry, buddy." He whispered.

"Huh? Are Mommy and Daddy okay?"

"No, they're... they're gone."

"But aren't they coming back?"

"Not this time, Pete."

"Yes they are. They told me."

"I know, but... something happened. They aren't coming back."

Peter furrowed his brows, and the bottom of his lips quivered. "Why not?"

May wasn't sure if the young boy was ready to learn about death. And judging by Ben's face, he wasn't either.

"Because they have to go away for a long time. They... they're not gonna be around anymore." May spoke up, voice cracking.

Tears slipped down Peter's face and he balled his fists into Ben's blue polo shirt. May scooted closer and brought Ben and Peter into a hug. Aside from Peter's soft sniffles, the room was silent.

A U-Haul truck in the driveway

The day it was suddenly real.

They moved Peter's things into May and Ben's apartment. A moving truck took the heavy furniture and put it in an empty room in their apartment. The room originally was meant to be a storage room, but they never ended up putting anything in it. So they made it Peter's room (though that didn't end up mattering; Peter only slept when he was in May and Ben's room).

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