Journal entry #?/Part 3

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(Some of this chapter is not a journal entry, wowie)

(Max's POV)

    I woke up in the middle of the night, for no absolute fucking reason. I sighed softly, sitting up on my 'bed' or whatever the fuck it is, i call it a bed though. I looked over in the direction of neils bed, he was sleeping peacefully with some book thing next to him. I quietly stood up, walking over and grabbing the journal before quickly and quietly retreating to my bed. I sat down and started to read through it, chuckling lightly. I grabbed a pen, turning to some ramdom page that was most likely going to be hidden and not found by him any time soon. Snickering as i wrote
(Woop woop now its a journal entry by max)

Dear Neils diary thingy,

     Uh hello??? This is stupid as fuck haha!
This Pretty boy actually has a diary? Anyways, neil your probally gunna find this so dont kick my ass K? Im just an asshole sooo thats why im writing in your 'journal'. Also im much hurting, how can you not fall for someone as esquisite as me :00 im so hurt >:(.  Anyways, i did this while you were asleep soo hah. Also youll never know how much ive read, youll never know when i wrote this haha! Youll never know how many of your secrets im aware of! This is suchhh a dick move but oh well, this is why you put your shit away before you fall asleep! Cute little bastard!!
(Back to max's pov oop-)

'Shit.. I accidently called him a pretty boy and a cute little bastard.' I think to myself, feeling my face heat up a bit before mentally face palming. I cant erase it either so im basically screwed.. i figure that ill just scribble it out and hope he wont be able to read it behind the scribbles.
(Back to the journall, sorry about switching so much oops)

  Dear Neils diary thingy,

     Uh hello??? This is stupid as fuck haha!
This (Terribly scribbled out 'pretty') boy actually has a diary? Anyways, neil your probally gunna find this so dont kick my ass K? Im just an asshole sooo thats why im writing in your 'journal'. Also im much hurting, how can you not fall for someone as esquisite as me :00 im so hurt >:(.  Anyways, i did this while you were asleep soo hah. Also youll never know how much ive read, youll never know when i wrote this haha! Youll never know how many of your secrets im aware of! This is suchhh a dick move but oh well, this is why you put your shit away before you fall asleep! ( Terribly Scribbled out 'cute little') bastard!!  Anywayssss dont kill me, youll find this eventually so yeah

       Love, Maxwell

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