Part 5/ journal entry 6

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(3rd pov)

Both boys slept just fine, Max and Neil getting theyre peaceful beauty sleep. None of the two had nightmares or anything- which was kinda surprising for Max.
Neil woke up early, like still pretty much dark out early, stretching and yawning quietly as he looked over his shoulder to Max 'Huh, still sleeping' he thought with a silent chuckle. He watched the other boy sleep for a moment 'hes actually kinda cute when hes not all pissy and shit' he thought before looking away and feeling himself blushing. God gAy thoughts begONe,, Neil figured he was just tired.
He brushed his hair back with his hand as he stood up, walking to the fire hazard of a coffee machine as he turned it on; putting water and coffee powder in it ((idk what its called i drink tea-)) and shutting the lid. The blue eyed boi ((troom troom)) kinda just stood there tiredly for a moment before going back over and sitting on his bed. He contiplated getting ready but honestly- he wore the same clothes almost everyday (they were different but the same design-) so no one would really care.
The second Neil heard davids stupid trumpet blaring he groaned, missing the quiet early morning. He watched as Max grumbled into his pillow, before sitting up and putting on his hoodie. "Good morning," Neil said awkwardly to the other, getting a "morning." Back as a reply. Both boys got up, Neil pouring and handing Max a mug of coffee before pouring himself one.
After a moment of just lounging around the tent thingo the two boys headed down to the mess hall, both tired despite both getting sleep. They sat down where they always did, not bothering to grab food because coffee was good enough food for breakfast. Nikki sat across from the two, "Goood morning!" She smiled, eating whatever shit pancakes the camp had to offer.
Neil and Max both said variation of a good morning before they started a conversation "so! Howd you sleeep?" Nikki asked "good" "mhm" max and neil had replied.
The conversation had escalated from there, ending at them talking about chimpanzees- somehow..
The day was pretty simple, the camper who planned the day was none other than Erid- so the whole time was pretty chill, other than Neil miserably failing at attempting the half pipe. Nikki was fangirling over how cool Erid was and Max was- well max.
Once it was time to sleep Max wasnt there- Neil figured he would get ready to sleep and wait for the other, which is what he did.
It took 20 minutes before Max came back, giving a faint sniffle noise. He curled up into a ball on his bed- hugging mr.honeynuts. He seemed to have not noticed that neil was awake.
"Hey- you uh- ok,, Max?" He asked in a quiet voice. Neil sat up on his bed, brightening the little lantern thing that was on the floor. "Yeah i-im fine, piss off" Max responded, nodding as he made sure he wasnt facing Neil.
"You sure man I -I mean its ok to be sa-" Neil was cut off by Maxs' "Yes im fine, a ok, shut the fuck up and let me sleep." He said angerly.
Neil nodded, turning off the lantern and laying back in bed.
Neil had woke up in the middle of the night to Max sleep talking- mumbling. He seemed upset.. When Neil stood up to get his journal he made sure to silently kinda lean over and half hug the other in attempt to comfort him. Max had quieted down, Neil smiled before grabbjng his journal.

Dear Journal,
Its Neil again, so today I woke up early and found out that I cant skateboard for crap! I fell and completely embarrassed myself in front of the whole damn camp. Oh well.
The food here sucks, I miss the good food back at home, oh well:
I think me and Max and Nikki are becoming closer friends. Theyre the people I mostly hang out with at this shitstop. Also, Max has a teddybear- like how cute is that. And, I dont know what happened but max was crying earlier this night. He wouldnt tell me what happened but I comforted him just now while he was sleeping- I think at least.
Im not falling for Max. Just making that clear. Hes just cute, that doesnt mean anthing though. Thats all though- im tired, goodnight

Sincerely, Neil

((Finally, an update.. sorry about how inconsistent I am on these. My writing just dies sometimes oof))

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