Chapter 1

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Four months later

Welcome to Forks population, 3,747 as I read the sign. Wow, how so many people in just a small town I thought to myself. First thing first, need to have a place to stay. Walking my way along, I noticed a sign that says "House for sale" I smile to myself.

I think I'm getting myself situated in my new home, I have to get ready for bed because I start school tomorrow. Yeah I start school tomorrow I just want to get to know new people, so I can get used to this town.

On my way to school, I stopped at Starbucks. Made my way into the store, and seeing a little girl with this older boy. He had black hair type of russet skin and stood probably 5'9. The little girl came up to me. " I like your shoes." The little girl said. " Thank you, I like your shoes too" I tell her. "What's your name?" She asks me. "Amelia, but everybody calls me Meli or Melia. What's your name cuite?" I ask her. "Claire." She answers. "Claire come on." The boy tells her coming our way. "Who are you ?" He asks making a face. "Her name is Amelia." Claire tells. "Amelia, hmmm..... Well I'm Quil nice to meet you." He says shaking my hand. "So what brings you to Forks?" He asks me. " I moved here to start fresh and get away from trouble." I tell him. "What do you mean by trouble?" Quil asks. " my ex-boyfriend, trouble with him." I tell him "Oh." was all he said. "Well I should be getting to school." I said grabbing my drink. "It was nice to meet you Claire... And you too Quil." I said to them.

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