Chapter 2

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When I pulled up to school and got out of my car, people were whispering and staring at me all I did is just smirk. Then out of nowhere someone bump into me, I dropped my stuff out of my hands. " oh my gosh sorry I did it look where I was walking at." A girl said to me. I looked up and saw the girl with some guy she looked very pale with dark brown hair dark brown eyes and pink lips. The boy, he older then her tall even more pale than the girl with pitch black eyes and bronze hair. Kind of looks like Stefan. "I'm Bella and this is my boyfriend Edward." She said. "I'm Amelia." I said telling her. " Well it was nice meeting you guys but I am going to be late for class". I said staring at Edward. He looks so familiar but I don't know where I've seen him at. Smh, he kind of looks like.... Wait a minute, it's him. It is him Edward Cullen, the Cold One who killed Henrick. His eyes got wide.... He was reading my mind. "Yeah, yeah umm... See you around Amelia." Bella said while walking away.

I walked into my first period and, all eyes were on me. "Are you the new student?" The teacher asks me. "Yes, my name is Amelia Gerald." I told the teacher. "Great. So you can sit next to Emmett. Mr. Cullen raise your hand." He said. I look up at this big teddy bear guy raise his hand smiling at me. I sat down, and look at him, he was smiling... Hard at me I turned my head towards the teacher.

It was finally time for lunch thank you, cause I'm hungry as hell. After I got my lunch, I heard somebody calling my name I look around, and it was Bella. She was motioning me to come over there with her, and went and I think the rest of his family. I walked my way over there and sat next to her and Emmett. "Guys, this is Amelia. Amelia this is Alice, Jasper, and you already know Edward. Rosalie and Emmett." She said introducing them. Alice looks like a pixie version of Caroline, and Jasper looks like he's in pain and The Blonde one looks mean. " So. What brings you to rainy ol' Forks huh?" Emmett asks. I smiled and said " Came here just to get it fresh start." I said. " What do you mean by a fresh start?" The blonde one ask. "Like wherever I Go trouble, and death follows me everywhere." I said to them. "What do you mean by death?" Jasper asks. " Like where I used to live Mystic Falls, people used to die every single day I was used to it.... but when somebody very close to me got killed.... I didn't know how to act so I just left." I said with tears in my eyes. "Oh, I am so sorry." Bella said. "Did you know how he died?" Emmett ask. "Yeah, umm.... Your brother, Edward killed him." I said while looking at Edward with anger in my eyes. "Edward killed him?" Bella asks. I nodded my head saying yeah. They all look at me. "Look you guys can cut the bullshit, because I know what you guys are.... Cold Ones." I said. Their faces were priceless. "How do you know about us?" Alice asked. "My my ex-boyfriend Klaus--" Klaus, Klaus Mikealson was your boyfriend!?"Edward ask. "Yes Nikklaus was my boyfriend" I said. "FYI Edward, you know that you killed a Original vampire?" I said.  "What do you mean by an Original Vampire?" Bella ask. "The first vampires in the world." I said to them.

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