12: Promises

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Before Tiara could melt into his embrace, she pulled away earning a confused look from Taehyung. She appeared hesitant, dare he say almost distant and his heart sank since he could foretell the dark cloud looming over his head. 

"Why you are so worked up? I don't understand what the big deal was," she spoke wandering her eyes everywhere else but at Taehyung.

"How could you even say that?" Taehyung cupped her face and made her look directly into his eyes.

"Was I the only one believing what we have is special ?" his eyes filled with a mixture of emotions but pain dominated the most as he spoke.

"Am I building castles in the sky?" his eyes were searching hers for a reply but instead Tiara pulled away avoiding his painful gaze.

"Special?" Tiara scoffed facing away from the man she loved. A gush of wind blew past them stealing the drop of traitorous tears that escaped Tiara's eyes.

"I don't understand what are referring to here as special. We are merely confidants..."

"Tia!" the rise in Taehyung's tone shut her up. He couldn't stand quiet while she devalued the bond they shared and deny their relationship by claiming it was just friendship.

"Confidants? Are you mocking us? You are seriously not acknowledging our relationship? For months we are meeting behind our families' backs, spending hours in each other's embrace. All the moments, the laughter, and the tears we shared mean nothing to you. You said it yourself that I make you happiest, you said that I am your peace...I don't understand why would you..."

"Please Tae let's not pretend anything more is possible between us"  Tiara interrupted whipping around to stare right into his eyes but instantly averted her gaze not wanting to confront the disappointment swirling in them.

Tiara took the hand of bewildered Taehyung and gently traced her finger along his ring. From the moment they had met, she had noticed the sapphire ring on his ring finger signifying he had someone waiting for him back home. It was not surprising since it was a common culture in Noble families to fix the marriage of their children in their childhood.

"She is really lucky " She murmured and Taehyung immediately realized the reason behind her unusual behavior.

Taehyung instantly pulled his hand and suddenly the touch of the ring felt like a burn. At that point, he wanted to cut the finger that held the evidence of him being betrothed to someone else other than her.

"I am promised to someone as well" She finally broke the news making Taehyung nearly lose his poise on the ground.

The world ended for Taehyung then and there when the reality that they both could never be one surfaced. The future he was dreaming of would stay as dreams as all the plans he had for them burned down into ashes

"We should stop meeting," after uttering those words she felt as if smoke filled inside of her lungs suffocating her but she went on

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"We should stop meeting," after uttering those words she felt as if smoke filled inside of her lungs suffocating her but she went on.

"Let's make this our final goodbye" she turned away from him, showing him her back not wanting to reveal her broken state.

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