20: Duty

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Tiara cried until no tears were left, but still, the emptiness and sorrow remained. Dusk fell but her crouched figure remained on the bed unmoved as there was nothing left for her in the world to live for. The pain she was feeling was beyond bearable, as if every bone of her body was breaking, every cell within her was tearing apart.

Jimin stroked her hair but he knew nothing in the world could put together the pieces that had shattered. Even if he tried he could never fix the girl that had broken down in the most brutal way possible. Tiara slowly turned her body towards her childhood friend who was also lying in the bed beside her and repeated the word she had been murmuring.

"Kill me" her word made Jimin's hand stop what it was doing. He pressed his lips into a thin line and spoke after gathering himself.

"It was not your fault," he resumed stroking her hair.

"It was my fault Jimin," her voice came out hoarse as she had strained her throat due to excessive crying and screaming for hours.

"I was the one who placed the portal carelessly, I was the one who trusted the wrong guy, and this happened because of me." she finally revealed everything to Jimin making his orbs go wide.

"The guy I had been meeting with, the guy I gave my heart to was non-other than Blue fury, He used me to get here. He gave me a bracelet that reverted the spell I had cast upon the portal...He..." her voice was trembling as she felt the despair come up to her throat making her want to throw up.

"I slept with my enemy, I became the reason for Kookie's death" At this point, Tiara was having difficulty breathing properly.

"I...because of me...my precious kookie." Jimin pulled her into his embrace and rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort her.

"I couldn't save him, I raised him with my own hands..." she hiccuped having difficulties forming words out of her mouth " If only my powers..." she could not even complete a sentence due to the pain that was hammering her entire system.

"How could he...? How could he... ?" It was painful even to utter those words from her sore throat as she grabbed her hair trying to keep her sanity intact.

"It's okay nobody needs to know about this" his body started to quiver in fear thinking about the consequences if people would find out that Tiara was responsible for the crown prince's death.

If anyone would find the truth out, he was sure they would revolt and drag the princess to the execution ground. He could never let any harm come to his princess therefore he hushed her down as he cried along with her mourning the loss of the boy who was like a son to him.

It took days for Tiara to be able to stand on her two feet and when she could manage to walk a bit, Jimin supported the feeble princess and escorted her to meet her father on his deathbed.

Royal doctor, Prime minister, and commander of King guards had gathered around the King's bed, shedding tears conceding that their ruler didn't have much time left. They moved aside to let the princess pass and kneeled beside the frail king.

During the attack, the king was badly injured as well since all of the elite warriors had gone to the war leaving only the commander of the king's guard and a few other soldiers to protect the palace. Though he had managed to fend for himself, hearing the news of the crown prince's death gave a final blow to the king's declining health.

Tiara held her father's hand and broke down in tears resting her head against his hand."I failed you father, I failed everyone, I couldn't save Kookie" Azriel placed his trembling hand on her head and patted her tenderly.

"When you were born Tiara, the blind priestess foretold that you would either be the reason for the destruction of all realms or force to unify all the realms" his voice was barely a whisper but he continued with every strength that remained within him.

"Everyone saw you as a threat but your mother and I fought for you cause we believed in you" Tiara raised her head and looked at her father with red puffy eyes.

"I believe in you and your destiny to be the force to unite the world" He smiled faintly at his beloved daughter.

"I know you will fulfill your responsibility as the princess of Pyracea as well, I have undying faith in you my daughter" he pulled her closer and place a soft kiss on her forehead.

Tiara hugged her father like there was no tomorrow letting her tears stain his robe. She couldn't bear that she was going to lose her only family as well.

" I forgive you, my child, I hope you will be able to forgive as well" after uttering his final words, the king of Pyracea the remaining light perished from his eyes.

Everyone present in the room went down on their knee grieving the death of their leader and King. The wise king was not only respected in the court of the council but loved by his subject. He was the hope that glowed in the hearts of his people to keep them fighting and now with the hope gone, the realm was vulnerable.

After staying in the same position for almost an hour, Tiara pulled away from her father's side with a throbbing pain in her heart.

Seeing her father lifeless in the bed made her remember the countless of life she took in the war and the blood of innocence she splattered in the name of victory.

Maybe their daughter and sister felt the same pain as I'm feeling right now her internal self-spoke.

The war had taken everything away from her but she promised on her father's deathbed not to walk on the path of vengeance and never to lift her sword again as revenge would only brew more hatred and suffering in the world.

Jimin helped her to stand up on her feet from the floor and she slowly whirled around to face the prime minister who had his head hung low crying silent tears feeling lost. He was worried for the future of Pyracea as the realm had lost both, the King and the crown prince.

"Lord of the council, Park Jihyun." 

Park Jihyun tore his gaze from the ground to the young princess awaiting commands from his new Queen.

"Yes, your highness" he bowed down to show his immense loyalty and respect towards the Queen.

"Prepare for my marriage with lord Jimin, the realm needs its King" everyone's eyes went wide in shock even Jimin looked at Tiara in surprise and shock upon hearing her command.

"By the end of this week, Pyracea will have the strongest sovereign ever to sit on its throne and lead the kingdom" She spoke in a voice that leaked authority with her head held high.

I promise you, father, I will not let Pyracea fall. I will fulfill my responsibility as the princess and After everything will be in order, I will bear the punishment for my sins as well.

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