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Taehyung and Irene's clothes as king and queen

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Taehyung and Irene's clothes as king and queen

The small seven-year-old prince was playing tag in the beautiful garden with his helpers whereas his mother 'The queen of euphoria' was sitting leisurely on a porch swing not paying any attention to her son while her maid was giving her a manicure.

Tripping on his toy, the prince fell down harshly on the ground and started to sob, however, Irene just overlooked the whole scene with a resting bitch face like she had nothing to do with the kid. Just then the King arrived at the scene accompanied by the chief of the King's guard and everyone present there along with the Queen did a royal bow to show their respect.

With a neutral face, Taehyung approached his wife and gave her a tight slap that made her stumble and fall down on the ground while catching her cheeks. That slap made her see stars and the moon in the day.

Everyone present there gasped but remained quiet with their head hung low.

Taehyung walked toward the sobbing prince looking at him with big glossy eyes. He gently picked the boy up and started to draw soothing circles on his back to soothe him. The boy started to sob louder than before in the arms of his father.

"You could never be a good wife and now you are failing even as a mother, yet you have the nerves to claim yourself as the mother of this kingdom" He spat those bitter words directly to the Queen who was gritting her teeth still holding her cheek which was burning like it was torched with fire.

Not able to bear the humiliation, Irene abruptly stood up from the ground and strode out of the garden in large angry steps after throwing daggers through her eyes toward the chief of king's guard. Jongin averted his gaze, wandering his eyes all over the garden scratching the back of his head to avoid her glare.

Taehyung carried the child to the swing and made himself comfortable in it "A prince should not shed tears for such a trivial matter, tan-ah." His voice held a bundle of care and affection as he spoke. The prince sniffed twice then bobbed his head.

Taehyung noticed the concerned glance Kim Jongin was throwing toward the prince pursuing his lips together so he gestured for his loyal subject to come closer.

"Put the ointment in his injured leg Chief" Jongin's eyes went wide at his command but without speaking, he kneeled down to the prince's level and started to aid his wound with the help of medicine provided by the prince's caretaker.

"Father" prince turned his head to clearly see the face of the man whose lap he was sitting on.

"Why does mother hates me so much?" He asked with a sad face.

"That's how she is, she only loves herself "Taehyung sneered scrunching his nose.

"Done" Jongin informed after cleaning and wrapping the prince's wound with a bandage and lovingly patting his head.

"Thank you Uncle Jongin, I love you." The kid happily exclaimed. The happiness that Jongin felt hearing his child say "I love you"  was beyond anything joy he had experienced. He felt like he could jump and touch the cloud with his hands.

Taehyung ruffled the small boy's hair "When you grow up you need to be strong like your uncle. You should be brave as well " He stated with a smile of delight curved on his ethereal face.

The prince immediately nodded his head with a cute smile then asked curiously in his babyish voice. "Who is the bravest man you have ever met father?"

Taehyung's body turned cold all of the sudden due to the unexpected question but he quickly gathered himself before speaking in a soft tone, eyes glistening with both sorrow and fondness.

"The bravest person I ever met was not a Man but a kid smaller than you Yeontan" With that, a sudden gush of memory flooded his mind as his eyes became blurry.

Taehyung stood before the five-year-old prince of the Pyracea with a grave face. Even when the little kid was no match against the blue fury, the kid stood up with his head held high and proud with a small dagger pointed toward his enemy.

"I'm the crown prince of Pyracea and till my last breath, I won't give up" He stated, trying to sound brave but his trembling hands and knobbling legs were saying otherwise.

"I'm sorry..." Taehyung finally spoke with a bit of a shudder in his voice.

"But I need to do this, It's the only way I can save Tia. It's the only way your sister and I can be together" The Little prince lowered his weapon hearing his precious sister's name then snuffled, taking in the whiff of Taehyung's smell. It was the same scent that he had smelled on his Tiara a few days ago.

"Why would Tia be with you, you are our enemy?" he tilted his head to the side as he questioned the man before him. Taehyung noticed as soon as the prince heard Tiara's name he stopped shaking in fear.

"Because she loves me and I love her," The little prince noticed how his enemy's hands were quivering as well.

Taehyung's heart was screaming not wanting to do what his father had ordered. The little boy before him was his beloved's entire universe but if he could not bring himself to slaughter the prince then Tiara would not be spared as well.

"I have no choice, I promised my brother on his deathbed...It's the only way ...for the sake of your sister" he spoke letting out a shaky breath as he inhaled sharply.

"For Tia's sake" Kookie mumbled and something unexpected happened.

The kid kneeled on his knee on the furnished floor of his chamber "I can do anything for Tia's happiness but you should promise me that you will protect her and never let her cry or else I will come back from the dead and punish you"

Even though Kookie was small he could understand the situation. All of their soldiers were gone to the war hence, there was no way they could get out of this situation alive so if his death would ensure Tia's safety, he would gladly give up his life.

"I promise you I will protect her with all I have" even when the kid was trying his best not to show the dread he was feeling from inside, his expression reflected it like a mirror.

"Please keep my Tia safe" A tear dropped from his doe-like eyes as he spoke his final words.

When he swung his sword the little boy didn't even try to defend himself and took the hit with open arms. To this date, Taehyung cursed and loathed himself for tainting his hands with the blood of the pure boy and he believed his misery was the punishment he was serving for causing his death.

"I made her cry tears of blood, will you return back to punish me, little kid?" He smiled at his own thought.


I have no bad blood against Irene it's just that I had to keep Tae's wife as the most beautiful woman in euphoria, therefore, selected her as she is gorgeous.

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