Chapter 2

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Warning: Mention of drugs and use of Alcohol ahead, and some gore.

Catherine walked along Marko silently, she didn't have much to say about anything. The silence was killing Marko, he hated how awkward it felt just being around her, she was boring. Eventually he decided to lighten the mood with his usual method, teasing. "so, can I call you cat?" Catherine raised a brow and crossed her arms, "what?" Marko chuckled at her response, he could tell she wasn't really listening. "Cat, you know short for Catherine?" she chuckled in response, she felt silly not realizing what he meant before. Catherine appreciated his attempt at communicating with her, his light-hearted attitude made her feel better. She nodded and smiled, "yes you can call me Cat." She looked back to the board walk floor, the wood was old and faded. The smell of the salty air and the sound of the waves was a new feeling, a fresh feeling, one that she could get used to. "alright!" he jumped up on a nearby bench playfully, "can I call you kitty?" she crossed her arms a raised her brow, a habit apparently. "you cutting it close, lets stick with Cat and call it a day." She giggled, she was absorbing the playful aura that he always seemed to have. She worried it would rub off on her, "so, where do you guys go to, well you know, eat?" she raised her fingers in quotation. Marko grinned and hopped down, "well do that later, for now just follow me." He started running backwards to get her to follow him, making silly faces and wiggling his eyebrows. Catherine tried to hold a serious face but broke and laughed as she ran after him. He eventually led her to what looked like a haunted fun house. People were lined up to go inside, Catherine questioned if Marko had any money to get them in. Marko had no money but instead a plan. "were going in there?" she questioned and stopped to look at the entrance, it was the head of a devil and its mouth was the door way. Marko sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her behind him, "shut up and follow me." He pulled her to the side of the building where a wooden slat covered a small hole in the building. Marko presented the hole to her as if it was a grand prize in some contest. She grinned and peaked in. Statues of monsters littered the inside the scene was a dark graveyard, she could see the feet of the people inside and the monsters moving to scare them as they walked by. Catherine pulled back with a grin, "so is this your grand plan?" Marko nodded and stepped into the hole, it was a tight fit so they had to walk in sideways. Once inside they ducked behind the tombstones to avoid being seen by the humans. The both of them struggled to stifle their laughter, it was as if they were the same person and both had the same plan. Marko held a finger to his mouth to try and quiet her. Once the first group left the area they stood up and hopped over the tomb stones to looked around. Marko ran straight for the largest zombie figure and Catherine behind a large tombstone that was shaped like a cross. As they heard the second group approaching Marko winked to Catherine and they readied for their fabulous prank. As the people ogled the statues and poked and touched, Marko being closest to the entrance of the room jumped out with a roar, causing the group to scream and run forward. Catherin waiting by the exit for them jumped out in turn. The group screamed louder and ran out of the room, Marko stumbled over to her laughing and holding his stomach. Catherine giggling and stepping off of the tall tombstone. They laughed until they heard the next group nearing the room, they quickly ran back to the whole they came in through. As they came around to the front of the building laughing Marko pointed to the merry go round. Catherine only nodded in her fit of laughter before the two of them ran off towards it. Bonding with Marko felt nice, she felt like she had a friend in all of this. They weren't exactly close but they were getting to know each other, and that was better than nothing. The merry go round was already in motion when the two of them hopped on. Luckily the person manning the ride didn't take notice. Catherine climbed onto a horse and Marko climbed onto what looked like a tiger, the two laughed as they spun around. Catherine held on to the pole in the center of the horse tightly, her stomach started to hurt from too much laughter. Slowly the ride came to a stop and the two of them jumped off before security noticed. They spent a few hours playing around on the dock before everyone started to leave. They didn't realize how quickly the time had passed, Catherine was pulling a piece from a shared cotton candy as the walked towards the beach. David waited for them crossing his arms, he tapped his foot and pretended to look at a watch in his wrist as they approached. "well haven't you two been having a good time." He spoke in his usual tone. He was almost like a sarcastic robot. Marko chuckled and handed the candy to Catherine. "nah I just did what you said, got her some clothes and babysat." He looked back to Catherine as she took another bit before tossing the pink cotton. "right Cat?" Catherine nodded as she walked up. "Well I'm so pleased with your ability to follow directions, c'mon were about to start dinner." He tilted his head in an irritated manner before walking down to group around a fire. Dwayne and Paul were sitting with them, they were talking and laughing about their bikes while the group drank. As David approached Paul stood up and walked over with his arms out, "there's the man! Tell me? Did you find the kids?" he joked as Marko and Catherine walked up. Marko laughed and ran over to him punching him in the arm, Paul responded with a head lock and soon enough the two of them were rolling around play-fighting in the sand. The humans laughed and cheered, raising their beers up. David chuckle and sat down near Dwayne, one man offered him a drink and he refused. "wow is all of you recovering or somethin'?" the human joked as he took a swig of his drink. He looked to Catherin who was standing to the side with her arms crossed, she wasn't in her cheery mood anymore. Mostly because she knew what was happening, and she could never make light of it. "how 'bout you sweetie? Want a drink?" the man grinned and held out a bottle, wiggling it to tempt her. At first, she was going to refuse but stopped herself, taking a moment to think it over before nodding and taking the drink. David raised a brow and looked to Dwayne with a grin, Dwayne was staring hard, he was tense, or he turned tense when she got there. Either way he was tense, David laughed in response. The man laughed after Catherine took a deep drink, "there we go! Finally, another partier!" he exclaimed excitedly before finishing off his own drink. David laughed and leaned over to put his arm around his shoulder, "oh yeah! She's a partier, she loves to drink. But you know, the rest of like a different kind of party." The man tilted his head and leaned in curiously, he was excited by the idea of drugs being brought up. "oh yeah? What kinda party we talkin?" David chuckled and looked to Paul and Marko as they walked up, each standing behind a different person. "oh, my friend, only the best kind of party." David laughed before turning and ripping into the mans neck. The other humans screamed and got up to run, only to be caught by the others. The boys tore into their meals ravenously. Catherine turned away from the scene as the men screamed. She took another drink and stared out at the moon and water. David took notice to her lack of participation and nudged Dwayne in the arm. He was sucking the blood from the wrist of one of their prey. He looked up and rolled his eyes, letting out a heavy sigh before throwing the arm down and wiping his mouth. He got up and walked over to Catherine, "why aren't you eating? Not that I care if you starve any but I'd like to not die because of your carelessness." Catherine took a moment to reply, "I just don't like it when they scream." She huffed and took another drink before throwing her bottle to the ground and turning to join the others. Dwayne growled in irritation, how could she be so rude when he was trying to be a little nice. Well he was rude to start, but still she could've at least noticed he was trying. He sighed and shoved his hands into his vest pockets as he walked back. Around the campfire, Catherine took hold of a wrist and started her feed. David had already finished and tossed his meal into the fire. Marko and Paul following suite after they finished theirs. Dwayne threw what was left of his into the fire as Catherine finished, he didn't bother to wait as he walked back towards the docks where the bikes were. David followed after him, Paul started off and Marko patted his shoulder, "see you over there." He huffed as he sat beside Catherine. "so, you've done pretty good for your first day." He chuckled, "I'd say they like you already." He grinned and watched as she tossed the man into the fire. "yeah I'll say." She chuckled and wiped her mouth. "you didn't have to wait for me." She smiled as he stood up, they started off towards the docks behind the others. "yeah well you know I'm on Kitten duty so." Catherine laughed and punched him in the arm, "what did I say about calling me that?" Marko shrugged as they approached the bikes, "I don't know what your talking about, did you say something about that?" she grinned and ran up to punch him again, "shut up. I don't want the others thinking they can call me that cause you're a jerk," Marko laughed as he jogged over to the group, they were already on their bikes talking and waiting. "What? you don't want them to hear? You don't want them to know your name is Kitty?" he chuckled as the others looked up at them. Catherine sighed as Paul laughed. "your name is kitty?" She rolled her eyes and shook her head, "no my name is." Marko cut her off as he revved his bike, "yeah! Her name is Kitty she's just embarrassed about it." He chuckled as she punched him and walked up to his bike. Climbing on and running a hand through her hair to push it out of her face, "No, he's just an idiot. My name is Catherine." Paul looked to David and smiled, "so, Kitty." She furrowed her brows at his words, "no I just told you its Cat-." she was cut off as Marko took off on his bike laughing. The sudden rush pulled the words from her mouth as she held on to his waist. "your such a jerk!" she shouted as the rest of the group sped off behind them.

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