Chapter 13

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I stretched, looking around with three eyes, waving a pair of my hands around and looking further with my other two eyes on my hands.

"Wow, this is so different, yet so familiar!" I exclaimed. I looked at my eye-hands, my gem hands, the eyes on my hands peering back at me.

We then unfused, Garnet gasping. "What... Was that..?" she asked herself quietly, looking at me. "Only me and Rose ever made that same fusion.. What was.. How did we..?"

She took a moment to recompose herself and cleared her throat, "sorry about that. Fusing with you just felt so.. So familiar, somehow." "It's fine, Garnet. Thanks for fusing with me. I really felt Ruby and Sapphire's passion for each other," I said with a smile. Garnet seemed to falter over her words before smiling and replying with a "thank you." She then left, leaving me alone, once again.

The next day, I found myself looking through the cupboards, writing down a list of things we didn't have. I sighed, then smiled, picking up the list.

I then left the temple, holding the list with some money that I had gotten from helping Greg with tending to his car wash, and headed into town. I hummed, watching the clouds drift by, watching the waves crash on the shoreline, before heading into the supermarket to get what was needed at home. 

Home. A strange word. Was it really home where I was? Was everything I did, the inevitable quarrel between me and Rose... Was it all worth it? 

I left the supermarket, heading home to put the groceries away, before I stood atop the large statue carved into the cliff side of the temple, looking at everything and taking it all back in again. The sky, the ocean, the people, watching Steven and Amethyst and Garnet while Pearl squawked at them. I felt a smile cross my face. 

Yes. Everything was worth it. Earth is my home. And I promise to defend it with every ounce of my being. 


Author's Note:

Oh jeez guys I am so sorry for leaving you all hanging for so long!!!!! I had a bad case of writer's block, and this is the most I had for a chapter. Short but sweet and better than nothing, you know? Anyhoo, I'm thinking on making another book, as a bit of a side story when I'm not doing A Diamond In The Rough. A crossover between CoD Zombies and Resident Evil. It's still a thought, but if any of you want to see it done, feel free to leave a comment! Thank you for reading, sorry again, and thank you for sticking with me, my lovelies!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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