Chapter One: Its An Everyday Thing

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Jonathan Brandis... Being in love with Jonathan Brandis. Secretly stalking Jonathan Brandis. Being too shy to actually speak to Jonathan Brandis. It's really an everyday thing.

I've been madly obsessed with him since seventh grade, and I'm currently in the eleventh grade. Technically, I had seen him in a few television shows and the odd movie here and there, so I had known of him even before we were in the same high school. The thing is, it's not that exciting seeing celebrities in my school. This is Los Angeles. It was something about him that had stricken me to take a liking to him. And it's not because he's an actor, or the famous SeaQuest star. It's more than that. It's his genuineness, his passionate drive, his bold outlook on life, and even those beautiful blue eyes... There definitely aren't many guys in my school like him. If anything, they try to be like him. Though I understand that many girls in the school are probably equally as crazy about him as I am, I can't help being so mad about him. I'm stunned he doesn't have a girlfriend yet because there are so many girls that would die to have him. I have no chance, but I can dream. And think about him. And stare at him. And picture going on dates with him. He's so inspiring and dreamy. God, he's just so...


I'm suddenly awakened from my hazy moment by my strict math teacher Mrs. Gordon. It's a terrible class to become distracted in, but I can't help that the boy three classrooms down the hall is interfering with my math mind. Of course, it's not like I'm actually doing well in that class to begin with. It's my worst subject of them all. C minus almost the whole semester. Too many freaking methods and numbers!

My friend Anthony taps my shoulder. "I advise that if you wanna pass this course, you need to stop dreaming about the totally wicked bike races you'll be competing in," he reminds.

"Alright that's going be a bit difficult for me." I chuckle softly.

As if he knew what was really going on in my brain. But unfortunately, he's right. I'm always pondering the thought of finally competing in some bike races in the future. I do believe I'm not good enough, but it would be an amazing experience. I'm still contemplating it though.

The lunch bell finally rings. I pack up my textbooks and binders and head to my locker to meet up with my girlfriends. I force open my jammed up and squeaky locker and shove my books in. As I'm doing so, I'm also scanning the halls for a certain blonde boy with baggy clothes. And sure enough, I spot him walking out of his English classroom with his large group of guy friends, an oversized backpack slumped over his right shoulder. He's walking away in the opposite direction, towards the cafeteria. They always sit there. I try to snag a table before all of them are full, but always seem to fail, whether it's by my outstanding amount of bad luck, or life finding ways of telling me Jonathan and I aren't meant to be. So us girls mostly sit on the benches outside where I enjoy it. I love being outdoors, but I would also be keen on catching a table next to Jonathan and his group.

"Earth to Jamie..." my best friend Connie says, getting my attention. "Did you spot your holy shrine yet?" she jokes.

Connie's the one that understands me the most. I think it's because she finds him overly attractive too, but so do most of the girls at my school drooling over him. Connie is mostly after Jonathan's best friend, Mark. Mark's a real piece of eye candy in my opinion. Then again, so are all of Jonathan's friends.

My friends and I all gather around in a circle. Connie and I suggest the cafeteria for once. "Please guys, I forgot a lunch today and it would just be easier to sit inside. I mean it's not even that nice out," I suggest, though it sounds more like a beg.

"Listen, Jamie, it's not like you to ever ask to sit inside," Beverly says with suspicion.

"Yeah, you really don't need to hide it. It's pretty obvious," Dana interjects with a chuckle.

I sigh. "Yeah, yeah, fine. You get it, let's leave it at that." Sometimes they can really get on my nerves. "Where's Michelle?"

"She's scouting out parties for tonight!" Connie squeals.

Our group is full of party animals. Every Friday and Saturday nights you can find us at house parties, clubs, and a couple concerts with a few bottles of booze bundled in one of our backpacks. Just incase some of the places we're at don't have enough alcohol. The funny thing is, we're never usually ones to throw parties, only get invited to them. It saves us the time of having to clean up after other people, and ultimately using your rooms and invading and destroying all your personal stuff. Its a little too much.

"You guys have fun. Jack and I are going on a date to Gino's tonight! I'm so excited!" Dana is practically quaking. Gino's is one of the fanciest and expensive restaurants in the city. It's not like Jack can't afford to take Dana to extravagant places like that either. He comes from a rich family that reside in the Hills. Plus, he models.

"Wow Dana, you know you have it made, right?"

"Yeah, just up and marry the guy. You're stacked for life, girl."

Dana rolls her eyes. "Ahhh I'm not a gold digger! I'm telling you, if that guys ever screws up, I honestly have no problem breaking up with him."

It's true. Dana is the purest soul of our group. Her and Jack have been together a year now and they've been almost inseparable. They're madly in love and I can't deny they won't get married right after high school. They're so meant for each other. The thing about this is, when you picture a kind, caring, sweetheart, you don't picture the sexiest man alive. At least I don't. Jack has the sharpest jawline I've ever seen. He's a giant as well, with a smoking hot body. His mess of dark brown curls shine even in the darkest places and bounce with each step he takes. You just don't see a pretty boy like him not being a complete bachelor and ladies man. Nope, he's sincere and genuine to only one girl. And fortunately for Dana, she scored big time.

Michelle has a boyfriend too, Billy, but she isn't a recluse from her girlfriends like Dana is when it comes to the girls nights. He's a metal-head in a rock n' roll band that plays in the clubs on Sunset Boulevard almost every night. That's how he makes his living. He can't afford a car, so he makes his girlfriend drive HIM around instead of the other way around. They love each other very much, but I think Billy is very destructive and wild. The group and I definitely enjoy watching him and his band play in the clubs, they're amazing, and Billy's a terrific guitar player. But sometimes I worry about that guy.

"But wow, Dana, that'll be special. We'll just be in a house somewhere surrounded by like a million stupid and wasted kids, and be trying to find our dream guys. You're sure missing out," I say sarcastically and pat her back. She giggles.

"I'm hoping Danny will be at a party," Beverly says.

"Ooo and maybe Mark," Connie chimes in.

And I hope Jonathan does too...

"Don't worry, Jamie, I bet Jonathan will be there. I mean if Mark goes, then he sure as hell he will too."

I shrug in disagreement. "I don't know, guys. I hardly ever see him at any parties or get togethers. He's probably always too busy acting. I mean he has SeaQuest and that's a pretty popular show right now. His career is the reason he moved here, not for the area."

My friends go quiet. They understand and can't argue with that. Jonathan came to California to work and act, not to live the high life. It's hard to believe he even has time to come to school most days.

Connie puts her arm around me and gives me a cheeky smile. "Maybe Michelle can do her research."

I grin back. "It's true, she has her ways and sources."

The girls widen their eyes and smirk. "Oh yeah. Remember the time when she bribed Steven to come to Heather's party because Connie wanted to-"

"Okay, okay, enough!" Connie interrupts loudly, pressing her hand against Beverly's mouth.

I howl out in laughter. "Yeah but it's funny because it ended up freakin' happening."

My friends are insane.

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