Chapter Two: Too Much?

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By the end of the day, Michelle has THREE parties on the go. The most difficult part is to choose one.

Michael Evanston's parents had gone away for the weekend, meaning he has the whole house to himself. On the awkward occasion, some parents are home and they let the kids do so, yet they get quite nosy and intrude in on the party to be positive nothing's going too awry. That won't happen at his house tonight.

Then there's Derek Droopy AKA Drippy Droopy. His name originated in the fifth grade when he had to go pee on the school field trip to the science museum. The bus trip was short, and the driver refused to pull over. By the end of the bus ride, Derek had wet his pants and he had to wait for his mother to bring him a new pair of underwear and jeans. It was laugh worthy, though I genuinely felt sorry for him. Since then, everyone has nicknamed him Drippy from the embarrassing incident. Somehow, everyone has seemed to forget about that since him and Michael are pretty popular people. Aside the story of his name, his party is only happening because Michael and him are in a fight and want to see who will have the most people at their party. The girls and I think it's so stupid. Honestly, I think Michael is going to win.

"But wait, there's one more! And I think you're really going to like this one Bev." Michelle gives her an excited grin, which has Beverly practically gleaming. "There's a grade twelve party happening, and it's Danny's party!"

I begin to burn with jealously. "So I guess you haven't found anything out about Jonathan then? What party he might be going to?" I ask sounding down.

Michelle shakes her head. "No clue, never even thought to ask. And either way he's probably staying in like usual to practise his OH SO DREAMY Seaquest lines."

"Jamie, you can still have a great time without seeing Jonathan tonight. Think of all the other hot studs that'll be there. Oh I know!" Connie's eyes widen in shock. "What if Jacob will be there because he's close with Danny!"

Suddenly I'm hit with a wave of emotions. I hadn't seen Jacob since last year. There was a stint in time where I wasn't crushing hard with Jonathan when I first seen Jacob. And I been so sure he was the one for me. I had first met Jacob at a skating rink in grade six. He worked in the shop. I had never really spoken to him except when I was asking for a pair of skates. I instantly began to like him. After a couple of times going to the rink, I stopped seeing him because I guess he quit. I'd never forgotten about him since then. Four years later, little did I know I'd ever come face to face with the boy I'd seen when he was still young and quite the punk. This time when I saw him, he was driving past me in a white van with his mother in the school parking lot. He looked so mature and still handsome. His shoulder length, soft blonde hair was much shorter. I began spotting him around school. Here and there, close people told me little details about him. He is two years older than me, he bikes professionally, hikes, enjoys camping, dirt biking, and he'd go to parties here and there. I thought we were a perfect match. The secret got out that I liked him and I thought maybe he would talk to me, but in fact and unfortunately he avoided me more than ever. Likely the cause was I was a minor to him. Then he graduated, and I haven't seen him since. To this day, I still think of him and... a few tears trickle down my face knowing I'll probably never glance and see his face in a crowd. He hates Los Angeles. He might have already moved somewhere else, Northern California if anything.

"Guys you do realize that maybe Jacob left LA? Honestly he is so much more than the city and we all know that." I'm practically whining and I feel terrible for doing so. I know Michelle is just trying to cheer me up.

Connie and Michelle sigh and the others roll their eyes. "Jamie, you're so boy crazy. Just be happy we can go out tonight."

"Guys I appreciate you so much." I look to all of my friends and smile.

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