Chapter Three: All Over Him

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Connie and I step in very anxiously. There's never been a moment we've ever felt such feverish waves of nervousness. The attempt to act natural in front of such a beautiful boy who I have an enormous amount of feelings of affection and love for is going to be almost impossible. I didn't even act normal when Jacob stood twenty feet away from me. How can I do so with Jonathan? Especially in such a close proximity of a house party.

The colour wash of strobe lights and flickers from the disco ball amuse my eyes. The massive crowd of partying teens dance wildly an hang out in each section of the house, leaving barely any room for the two of us to scoot by. I'm positive every student in our grade and more is at Michael's house. You can definitely tell the more popular friend of Michael and Derek. Again, I feel pity for Derek.

Connie and I continue our walkthrough of the house and end up in the kitchen where a mighty keg stand competition ensues. I hate those things to tell you the truth. The keg stand beholds Michael and Kevin McCreary competing. Everyone is chanting their names. I attempt to spot Jonathan in the sea of wasted idiots. Nothing. I scoff and exit the kitchen.  

"I think we should split up!" Connie yells through the eardrum slugging music.

I nod and leave her side. I push through the hallway and pop into the living room. I hold my breath and maneuver through the maniac dancers. Suddenly I spot him and Brittany Murphy talking one on one with each other by the mantel. I'm raging with jealousy. Brittany has a drink in her hand, but Jonathan doesn't. I assume he doesn't drink. Then I get an idea. Why don't I drink? To attempt to take the pressure, envy, and my intense nervousness. I can't start up a conversation with him sober. It'll be too awkward. I need to loosen up a little.

I hurry over to the kitchen where kids are pouring drinks left, right, and centre. Someone hands me a shooter. I take one, then I take two, then three. Next thing I know, I'm downing three more.

"Slow down on the booze girl, we don't wanna run out on your drunk ass," Laurie Sembello, Michael's girlfriend calls out and refuses pouring me another drink.

I scoff and walk away. By walking, I mean hobbling. Everything is beginning to blur. Maybe I went a little too far on the alcohol. I can barely decide if I'm coming or going anymore. The music is just an annoying muffle of loud sounds and beats. The strobe lights sting my eyes. I feel morphed into everyone else around me, feeling the same way they feel. Very warm, cozy, and happy.

Next thing I know, I'm standing right in front of Jonathan. Grabbing him, holding him, and sweet talking him (slurring actually). A few kids stop and stare, but I don't really focus on what they're doing. I'm here with Jonathan in a drunken haze. A magical moment where the music seems fitting and the dimness of the lights weren't stinging my eyes like before. It's peaceful, blurry.  Only Jonathan doesn't appear to be having a good time like me. He's uncomfortable, barely holding onto me, but he's just accepting it. Nice guy.

My time spent latched onto Jonathan felt long to me but then also very short lived, but that was all because everything went completely black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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