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Hours have passed and Asagi was still in a deep slumber

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Hours have passed and Asagi was still in a deep slumber.

Afternoon came and Reiji took some time to check on Asagi.

She was still asleep.

There was one thing that bothered the young man with specs.

The blonde girl's long, slender, not so thin, somewhat thick, legs (those legs are to die for) were in full view for the male vampire.

Goodness, if it were Ayato or Laito were to see this they might jump on this vulnerable girl.

Reiji shook his head at the thought.

Although he can't deny that the sleeping girl looked... hot in her vulnerable position.

What a seductive position she's in.

Reiji was tempted to touch the girl's pallid skin.

Yes the bespectacled boy was turned on.

He held back though, it was not what a gentleman should do.

He went close to the sleeping form of the girl before taking the blanket and covering the long legs of the female.

The bespectacled male disturbed by the girl's long golden locks scattered everywhere used his gloved fingers to comb through her hair.

Some of it were sticking on the female's visage, carefully but surely not wake the sleeping girl he placed those hair strands behind her ear.

Now taken care of the golden mess, he noticed what caused the girl's hair to stick on her face.


The girl's face was tear stained, for what Reiji calculated she had cried in her sleep for a while now, for the tears were somewhat dry already.

Thinking that the girl only had a bad dream as the cause of her tear stained face.

He turned to his heels only to stop on his tracks when hearing Asagi as if she was whimpering in pain.

He looked down at Asagi's sleeping form. She was now squirming relentlessly, sweat building up on her forehead.

Her brows scrunched down together.

"Ya... mero..."

She spoke begrudgingly, her voice a soft whisper.

Reiji went back to the girl's side.

She was tossing and turning with soft mewls escaping her lips.

With the tossing and turning and the oil from the sweat on her face, some of her make up was smeared on the bed sheets, pillow.

Much to Reiji's disdain.

But now he noticed how pale the female was.

And somewhat spotted...

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