chapter 2 (Alice p.o.v)

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i was making my way to my mom bakery store,i just love it there the smell of bread and cakes all around the place,"be careful kid"i turn to see a old lady yelling at me to be careful well i can't help it am so excited to go to the bakery although i have never been there since i can't sit still, because i break stuff easily but thats not the problem right know,"hey alice can you help me over here"said my mom as i walk in the store,i nod and make my way to her,"looks its alice the baby"i look down and walk towards my mom grabbing the plate,"aww is alice the baby gonna cry"i make my way toward table 4,"here you go ma'am"i say in a low voice,"thank you"she replied back i nod and walk back to my mom,"alice the cry baby why don't you kill yourself,"i look down with tears in my eyes,"hey why don't you leave her alone"i turn to see a girl with blue hair "make me"said Daniel i turn to him,i see the girl walk up to him and twist his ears,"ow ow ow stop"he said,and she did what he said,"next time pick on someone your own sizes"she said and grabs my hand and pulls me out the bakery.

"um......uh.....thanks"i say looking down,"no problem,you okay"she asked facing me,"yeah am fine,my name is alice by the way"i said pulling my hands out for her to shake,"my name is rin,nice to meet you Alice"she said shaking my hands,"can i call you ri for short"i say looking away blushing,"sure as long as i can call you Ali for short"she said looking up at the sky,i nod in response.erin and me talked for hours,"lets get ice cream"she said pulling my arm to the ice cream stand,"what would you like miss"said the cashier ,"i would like a cookie's and cream"she said and then turns to me "what would you like Ali"she said in a cute voice,"uh...strawberry.....please"i say in a low voice. when we got our ice cream we went to the waterfall i would go when i was little."so what do you do for a living"she asked sitting down in the open,"well i sometimes go to the library,or i would go to the daycare"i say sitting next to her,"what about you"i ask facing her,"nothing really,just stay home"she said lowering her head,"oh...well thats another way to put it"i say laying down,"i guess"she says laying down next to me.

when i got home,mom started to ask me tons of question,"mom am okay let me sleep"i say pushing her lightly and walk to my bedroom."man i want to see erin so bad,i forgot to thank her for the ice cream"i thought to my self,"hey Alice some one is at the door"i heard my mom say,i sigh "okay go answer"i replied back,"its for you her name is rin or whatever"i hear my mom say,at the name of rin i jumped up of bed and dash to the living room bumping into Mari and Kari on the way,"hey rin whats up"i say giving her a hug,"you forgot this this"she said handing me my purse."thanks for that"i say shifting uncomfortable,"well i gotta go"she said and left."so who was what"said my mom raising her eyebrows,"no one you need to worry about mom"i say dashing to my room.

the next morning was so terrible i wanted to hide But my mom insisted me to go down to the store and Buy toilet paper like whats the heck the store is right there, But i have learned to never question your parents i mean its just me my mom and my two younger siblings so its no point to have a dad Cause we all now mens are way to much to handle."welcome"said the cashire, i gives her a small wave and grab a storller and stroll my way to the frozen pea yuck!!!. I bump into something and fall flat on my butt, "sorry are you okay"i look up and see a the most beautifull Guy i have ever meet, "yeah...... Yeah i'm okay are you okay"i ask getting up, "yeah my name is hibiki whats yours"he said, "mines Alice "i say blushing.

after my encounter with  hibiki i went to the cashire and pay for my stuff, "you now that boy you bumped into" said the cashire, "yeah"i say nodding, "thats my son"she says handing me the bags, "oh really i didnt now that"i say, "its okay well have a good day"she said waving, "bye"i say waving back and making my way back home. "Hey alice"i turn to see hibiki and another girl, "hi hibiki, whats up"i say, "i wanted you to meet Crystal my girlfriend"he said pushing her forwards. "Hi Crystal"i say pullibg my hand out for her to shake,  "hello alice i know you"she said slapping my hand away, "oh do you?? "I say, "yeah your that girl everyone makes fun of "she said laughing , i ignore her an turn to hibiki, "see ya later "i say and run off.

When i made it home, i put the bags on the counter and ran to my room i mean we have maids and butlers but mom says that sometimes they can't do everything,"alice came here real quick" said Mari and Kari coming in my room."okay hold on,"i say grabbing my phone and making my way downstairs to b met with my mom and Kari and Mari on the couch with hibiki and his girlfriend,"alice you live here"said hibiki,"yeah i do "i say sitting next to my mom."anyways alice since you don't have a personal butler i have mad a decision that Mr hibiki  here will be your personal butler "she said,my eyes widen in shock,"wait what"i say.

After mom told me hibiki needed the money for university soon for two years from here he would be my personal butler i can't with my mom she something else , i just hope his girlfriend doesn't stay here or else i would fire him easily,not really." Ms. alice its time for bed"i hear hibiki say opening my door."okay i say"getting my clothes form my closet and sit on my bed."your bath is ready Ms"he said opening the bathroom door,i give him a small 'thank you' and go in.when i'm done i head out to see my snack laying on my bed side table,"thanks "i say grabbing it and eating making sure to give him a piece of cookie, "goodnight Ms."he says and closing the door,"goodnight hibiki"i say before falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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