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Watching the only person who loved you get killed in front of your eyes scarred a child. Seeing the person who gave you hope and always said "we'll try again tomorrow" leave right in front of you, broke a child. Seeing the same person who did nothing wrong! Who wouldn't even kill a bitch to satisfy his thirst, die right in front of your eyes made the child wanna kill herself.

That's what Angel witnessed and felt as her brother was stabbed in front of her. Ever since then..she started getting mood swings. She started changing. She changed her whole, pastel style. She changed her whole hair color. She just..changed.

Her pastel hair was now a bland white.

Her style was bare and simple. The happy child was gone.

Seeing the person who brought back that version of Angel, just straight up leaving..was the breaking point for her.

Angel grew antisocial. She would scream at people. She would bite random girls because she envied them.

She envied how they could walk around with no worries whatsoever.

She envied how the girls would always come to school in different clothes. Call her petty,but she wanted that. She wanted what they had. She wanted a family. She wanted a real father, mother, sister, brother. She wanted pets! She wanted to witness death!

But unfortunately, the vampire was unable to feel anything. "Yui! Shut up! Nobody cares about your stupid church! God isn't real! He's fake! So just shut up!" Angel snapped at Yui, rolling her eyes. Yui flinched. Angel has never went off on her like that.

They were on their way to the sakamaki mansion. Angel pulled down her black shorts. She looked out the window.

"Move! Daniel! Get away from me!" Angel laughed, kicking at her older brother.

Angel held her temples as tears gathered in her eyes. A few leaked and fell on her hand, which was clenching her shorts.


"K..DO.." For some reason..Angel couldn't remember that boy's name. The boy who broke her.

"A-Angel?" Yui touched Angel's hand and flinched at how cold the girl was. Like she had no body heat. Period.

"Don't touch me." Angel moved her arm away from Yui, getting out of the limo.

Yui looked down. She knew Angel wasn't human. She just had to find out what she was.

"Let's go idiot!" Angel walked up to the mansion, putting in her ear phones. She hummed along to "dear old Nicki" but replaced Nicki with Angel.

Throughout, the years..Angel drastically changed. Her personality was two faced. She was two faced.

Yui ran up to the door, feeling rain droplets. She peeked at Angel and saw her lick her fangs. Wait..Fangs? "Go! You idiotic-" "hm? Who are you two?" A dude with blue hair asked. "Who are you?" Angel shot back.

"I asked first."

"I asked second."



The boy groaned, holding his temples. "Yui! Tell them who we are." Angel sighed, crossing her arms across her chest.

"W-We w-were sent..here to stay..with you all." Yui spoke, feeling Angel's hand on her shoulder.

Angel smiled. "You look..familiar.." Yuma muttered, staring at Angel, who simply shrugged. "Aren't you that dude! That 6'7 dude! The dude who tried to kill me!" Angel yelled, snapping her fingers.

"Yuma what!?" The blue haired boy said. "AW! He's so cute!" Angel was pinching the gray haired boy's cheek. "And yeah. He tried to, legit, stab me with a pencil." The blonde one chuckled. "What is this ruckus!?" A purple hired boy walked outside.

Angel snorted. "I'm thirsty." She said, pulling Yui close to her. Female blood was a no. It was disgusting. "And?" The boy said. "I expect you to go and get me something to drink, Einstein." Angel's mood changed as she glared at the taller man.

"Angel-" "shut up, Yui. Don't talk to me." Angel walked in the house, pushing Yui to the side. Everyone were quiet. "Is she always like this..?" The blue haired boy asked.

"Yeah." Yui frowned.

"She's.. Special." The blonde one spoke in a soft voice, watching Angel as she counted her money.

"60..65..70! Only 70 bucks..greedy old man. Ugh." Angel shook her head and felt a hand run down her side. "Dude, get your musty ass hands the fuck off of me." Angel turned around, glaring at an auburn haired boy with cat like eyes.

"Aw..you look like a kitty. A perverted, Kitty with a fedora.." She smiled. The male felt something off about Angel's scent. She wasn't human. Unlike Yui. "What..are you?" He said in a soft tone. "A human being." Angel sighed.

The male noticed Angel's vibrant, beautiful, purple orbs. And her straight, white hair. Her pale, milky white skin. She was beautiful. Even more beautiful than humans. She was small and thin.

The perfect girl.

Two Faced ~~diabolik lovers; Kou Mukami~~Where stories live. Discover now