And when one...

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The weariness passed over my eyes and I felt loss and clueless.

After what seemed like only minutes, I heard the too familiar sound of waves washing upon sand, and the smell of the fresh ocean.

And the sound of the dark voice that haunt my dreams.

"Now let's have some real fun."


Violet's POV

The deep and dark British voice rang down my back, making me feel suddenly cold, and my eyes shot open. My vision was staring up at a baby blue sky with puffs of clouds smeared here and there and a couple of seagulls gliding across.

It was all too familiar.

WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP, I silently yelled at myself.

"You have thwarted me for too long." The boy, who was "Peter Pan", said darkly, "Not anymore, Violet."

I groggily sat up using my hands to support me, and I focused on the so called Peter Pan's face, and written all over it was a gigantic devilish smirk and his eyes, those dark eyes of his that was the same shade of the godforsaken jungle on this damn island, twinkled with delight; like I was some rare and prized artifact that he hunted for centuries.

I yelped in sudden surprise when I was suddenly lifted from the ground. I was swung across someone's shoulder, and all I saw was the back of their green shirts. My limbs dangled downwards and the grip on my legs was unbearably strong, and I try to squirm slightly, but I knew it was no use. After a while I felt branches scrape past my bare arms and it felt like my shoulders were about to pop because it was hanging for so long.

I felt utterly exposed, what a great situation this was; being kidnapped by a Disney character while only wearing a tank top and tight black shorts. I was feeling claustrophobic again like last time, and through the rustling of the foliage, I swear you could hear my heart beating immensely against my rib cage.

IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP YOU'LL DIE, I silently yell at myself.

Of course, being the useless thing it is, my brain won't listen.

I notice from the sound around me that we reached into a clearing, and I could only guess that it was where the campsite was. I felt going through the entrance of a tent, and the other boys left, leaving the boy who was holding me and, I could assume, Peter Pan.

"Leave her here." Peter Pan demanded, "Oh and Felix, don't be so gentle."

So this Felix guy obeyed and he skillfully swung my body down- straight onto the floor. The impact sent a sudden shock of unpleasant energy through my veins and it nearly made my vision black out. I held back the tears that started to form in my eyes and every nerve of my body was in agony. I made a noise in the back of my throat that sounded like a puppy being kicked. I'm thirteen for God's sake! You don't throw thirteen year olds to the floor; let alone kidnap them.

"So... Violet." Peter Pan said after Felix left, and he slurred the "L" again, and it sent a chilling feeling down my spine.

He grabbed a clump of hair and pulled on it, leaving me no choice but to stand up. It was painful, and I swear to god Felix broke something, and my eyes still refuse to meet the boys, so I kind of awkwardly stare down on the ground.

"We've already introduced each other from our last visit." Peter Pan said (I still can't believe he's Peter Pan!), "Now let's get to real business shall we?"

I started to realize he was uncomfortably close to me, and his fingers started to trace the side of my face and he stopped at the bottom of my chin and lifted my face so I stared up at him.

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