The choir barbecue

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A couple days later was our annual choir barbecue at the lake. We usually go to the meadow next to the rowing club of our village, because it has a good place to go into the lake to swim. I took this event as a good occasion for another provocation. So down at the lake I met my friends from the choir and we soon decided to go swimming. We went into the lake and all my friends soon wanted to swim to the berth of the rowing club. I just didn't feel it in the moment and wet out of the water. My friends on the other hand we're soon calling after me to come join them again. So I just walked over the bridge to the rowing club area, casually looking up to the balcony of their club house where a couple of guys were working out and I made sure they were casually looking at me too hoping, a certain blondie may be there too. I went to the berth and sat down on it next to my friends still casually looking up the balcony a couple of times. I even felt some stares in my back but played it cool. But he wasn't actually there. I knew that because when they finished the workout and went out of the club house they passed us by the grill but he wasn't there. Well, the another time.

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